Arabic Language Blog

Listening comprehension, New Capital Posted by on Mar 15, 2015 in Arabic Language, Culture, Pronunciation, Vocabulary

Listen to the first 50 seconds of the video and answer the questions that follow. You can use the useful vocabulary provided below to assist your comprehension.

Answer the following questions in English:

1- Who signed the contract?

2- What is the purpose of the conference?

3- Where is the conference held?

3- What is the contract for?

Answer the following questions in Arabic:

1- أين سيتم إنشاء العاصمة الإدارية؟

2- ماذا ستضم العاصمة الإدارية؟

3- كم فرصة عمل سيتيحها المشروع؟

4- كم سيبلغ عدد سكان العاصمة الجديدة؟

Useful vocabulary:

وقعت  = signed

مؤتمر = conference

دعم = support

تنمية = development

 الاقتصاد  = economy

عقد = contract

 إنشاء  = establishing

العاصمة الإدارية  = administrative capital

من المتوقع  = expected

مخطط  = scheme

في غضون  = within

بتكلفة  = cost

ستضم  = will include

تقع  = is located

بعثات دبلوماسية  = diplomatic missions

وحدات سكنية  = residential units

مطار  = airport

الطاقة الشمسية = solar energy

فرصة عمل  = job opportunity

Come back again soon to check the answers!

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