Archive for 'Juha'
Juha and His Donkey: Another Tale Posted by yasmine on Mar 2, 2022

Last week, we listened and read a tale about the famous Juha character شخصية جحا المشهورة whose funny tales حكايات/قصص مُضحِكة are full of wit الذكاء and wisdom الحِكمة. Do you recall what it was about? This week, we’ll read a very short and funny tale about جحا وحماره. We’ll then do a short exercise…
Juha, His Son and the Donkey جحا وابنه والحمار Posted by yasmine on Feb 23, 2022

In every culture, certain characters شخصيات emerge over time with their own way of teaching us life lessons دروس الحياة. Juha جُحا is one of those characters who’s tales حكايات have been around for centuries قرون beginning from the seventh century. He is what you call a wise old fool عجوز أحمق حكيم. This foolishness…