There are many types of foods in Arabic that are very easy to learn for foreign students of Arabic because the names of these foods in Arabic are very similar to their names in European languages. If you think about one of these foods, e.g. “burger” and how you say it in English, it will be very easy to learn the Arabic word for it. Please see below a list of 20 types of foods that you will learn very easily. I have noted the Arabic pronunciation between brackets. When there is no difference between the pronunciation in English and Arabic, I just repeat the English word because it is useful to use for pronunciation purposes.
potatoes = بطاطس (batatis)
tomatoes = طماطم (tamatim)
grape fruit = جريب فروت (grape fruit)
Kiwi = كيوي (kiwi)
mango = مانجو (mango)
pizza = بيتزا (pizza)
burger = برجر (burger)
macaroni = مكرونة (macarona)
steak = ستيك (steak)
sauté = سوتيه (sauté)
kebab = كباب (kabab)
sandwich = ساندويتس (sandwich)
caramel = كراميل (caramel)
jelly = جيلي (jelly)
cream = كريمة (creama)
cake = كيك (cake)
pudding = بودنج (pudding)
chocolate = شيكولاتة (chikolata)
biscuits = بسكويت (biskwueet)
cocktail = كوكتيل (cocktail)
cola = كولا (cola)