In a previous post, I presented the recipe of fish soup. In this post, I present the recipe of fried fish (السمك المقلي) which is very easy to make.
Obviously, the main ingredient is fish (سمك). Your fish needs to be clean, gutted and scales removed. In the end, it should look like the picture below.
Then, you need to cover it with salt and leave it for at least an hour.
After that you wash the salt, and marinate it with the following spices and herbs. In the food processor, mix garlic (ثوم), cumin (كمون), salt (ملح) and add lemon (ليمون) drops.
Then, cover the fish with the paste as shown in the video. The video adds a couple more ingredient, i.e. chilli peppers (فلفل) and coriander (كسبرة). This is optional if you like.
Then, cover the fish with flour and fry it in deep oil on both sides.
Fry it until it becomes golden brown in colour, as the picture below.