How to make Libyan soup – ‘Sharba’? Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Jun 7, 2017 in Arabic Language, Culture, Grammar
Today, we are looking at one of the most famous Libyan dishes, that is the Libyan soup حَسَاءْ hasaa’ or what Libyans call: شَرْبَه sharba. By looking at the video below, and following the recipe that I will include below, you will be able to make soup, in the Libyan food.
Since it’s Ramadaan رَمَضَانْ, the timing is perfect to learn this soup that Libyans have it every day when breaking their fast, right after having water, dates تَمْرْ tamr and milk حَلِيبْ haleeb. The ingredients are quite basic and the meal is light and is considered an appetiser.
This soup is very similar to noodle soup, but it’s just that
Serves 4 people
تَكْفِي لأَرْبَعَةْ أشْخَاصْ
Takfi li-‘arba3at ashkhaas
(Enough for four people)
Preparation and cooking time:
Around 45 minutes
مُدَّةُ التَّحْضِيرْ وَالطَّبْخْ
Muddat-u at-tahdeer wa at-tabkh
حَوَالِي 45 دَقِيقَه
Ingredients (in order):
المَقَادِيرْ (بِالتَّرْتِيبْ)
Al-maqaadeer (bi-tarteeb)
- Some Olive oil
- One chopped onion
- lamb (250 kg)
- 2 table spoon of chopped tomatoes
- 1 table spoon of tomato puree
- ½ table spoon of chilli powder
- ½ table spoon of turmeric
- A pinch of fresh parsley and coriander
زَيْتْ زَيْتُونْ
Zayt zaytoon
بَصَلَه مٌقَطَّـّعَه
Basalah muqatta3a
لًحْمْ ضَأْنْ – (250 جْرَامْ)
Lahm da’n (250 gram)
مِلْعَقتَيْنْ طَعَامْ طَمَاطِمْ مَبْشُورْ
Mil3aqatayn ta3aam tamaatim mabshour
مِلْعَقَة طَعَامْ مَعْجُونْ طَمَاطِمْ
Mil3aqat ta3aam ma3joon tamatim
نصف ملعقة طعام فلفل حار
Nisf mil3aqa ta3aam fulful haarr
رُبْعْ مِلْعَلقَةْ طَعَامْ كُرْكُم
Rub3 mil3aqa ta3aam kurkum
رَشّةْ بَقْدُونِسْ وَكُسْبُرْ
Rashat baqdoonis wa kusur
- Stir everything and the fire should be not strong at this stage.
حَرِّكْ كُلَّ شَيْءْ وَالنَّارْ لَا يَجِبْ أَنْ تَكُونْ عَالِيَه فِي هَذِهِ المَرْحَلَه
- Add
- Pepper (optional)
- Boiling water
- A pinch of salt
- A cup of chickpeas
(فُلْفُلْ (اخْتِيَارِي
Fulful (ikhtiyaari)
مِيَاهْ مَغْلِيَّه
Miyaah maghliyya-h
رَشَّةْ مَلْحْ
Rashat milh
كُوبْ حِمْصْ
Koob hems
- Wait for about half an hour until it’s done
انْتَظِرْ نِصْفْ سَاعَه حَتَّى يَسْتَوِي الحَسَاءْ
- Add
- Add 2 table spoon of the noodle
- Add pinch of dried mint
مِلْعَقَتَيْنْ طَعَامْ مِنْ مَعْكَرُونَةْ لِسَانْ العُصْفُورْ
Mil3aqatayn ta3aam min ma3karoonat lisaan al-3osfour
رَشّةْ نَعْناَعْ جَافْ
Rashat na3naa3 jaaf
- Keep stirring until the soup is done.
-اسْتَمِرّ فِي التَّحْرِيكْ حَتَّى يَنْضُجْ الحَسَاءْ
Finally, make sure you watch the video below, where you can follow الطريقه At-tareeqa (the recipe).

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