How To Prepare Lebanese Meat Pizzas Posted by jesa on Mar 29, 2016 in Arabic Language, Culture
Marhaba! Have you heard of Lebanese pizza? If so, you would know that it’s one of the tastiest meals around the globe. If you have not tasted one in the past or this is the first time you come across the phrase ‘Lebanese Pizza,’ then look no further, I have got you covered. Lebanese Pizza or commonly known to Arabs in the Levant and elsewhere as ‘Manoushe’ comes in different forms. Some prefer a cheese or thyme only manoushe, others like a mix of both cheese and thyme, and some, including myself, prefer it with meat and pine nuts! My wife and I always prepare Lebanese Meat Pizzas at home. These pizzas are commonly known as ‘Lahim bi-ajeen’ (لحم بعجين) which roughly translates to Meat Pie or Meat in the Dough.
We cannot seem to find a good place that prepares them in the United States and hence, we opted for getting the ingredients from Lebanon and preparing them at home. We’re happy with the outcome and we try to have Lebanese Meat Pizzas every month. Our friends love them and we are always asked to prepare different forms of Lebanese Pizzas: cheese and meat; thyme and cheese; and meat. Today, I am sharing the recipe that my wife and I got from our mothers in Lebanon. As always, I have added the recipe in Arabic and then translated to English. This is very straightforward and somewhat easy to prepare, but you need, and I stress, you need to find the right ingredients to get the right taste. Try to prepare it soon and share your results under this post or via Facebook and/or Twitter. I look forward to hearing about your culinary experiences.
Lebanese Meat Pizza
2 pounds of lean ground beef
2 large yellow or red onions
2 large tomatoes
1 cup of pine nuts
2 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 cup of Parsley leaves
4 tablespoons of all-spice
3 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
Pizza dough
Chop onions, parsley leaves, and tomatoes and then add them in a separate bowl.
Add the meat to the bowl containing onions, parsley, and tomatoes.
Add spices and salt and then blend all ingredients in a food processor.
In a separate skillet, add oil and stir-fry the pine nuts until they are golden.
Combine meat mixture and pine nuts in a bowl.
Preheat oven to 475 degrees F
Spread dough and cut small circular pieces by using a glass cup
Spread 2 tablespoons of meat mixture on every round shaped piece of dough
Bake for about 14 minutes or until dough is golden.
Sprinkle lemon juice on the Lebanese Meat Pizzas once they are done.
Serve it hot and with yogurt.
لحم بعجين
(2) بوند من اللحمة المفرومة
(2) بصل أصفر أو أحمر
(2) طماطم كبيرة
كوب من الصنوبر
ملعقتان من عصير الحامض
كوب من البقدونس
(4) ملاعق سبع بهارات
(3) ملاعق صغيرة من الملح
ملعقتان زيت نباتي
عجينة بيتزا
طريقة التحضير
قطع البصل, والبقدونس, والطماطم و ضعها معاً في وعاء
أضف عليها اللحمة
أضف البهارات والملح الى الوعاء وامزج المكونات مستخدماً خلاطة الطعام
في مقلاة, أضف الزيت النباتي وإقلي الصنوبر حتى يصبح ذهبي اللون
امزج غليط اللحمة مع الصنوبر في وعاء
سخن الفرن على درجة 475 فهرنهايت
مدّ العجينة وقطعها الى قطع صغيرة مدورة مستخدماً كوب زجاج
ضع ملعقتين من مزيج اللحمة في كل قطعة عجين مدورة
اخبزها لمدة 14 دقيقة أو حتى يصبح لون العجين ذهبي
اعصر عصير الحامض على اللحم بعجين عندما يجهز
قدمها ساخنة ومع لبن (زبادي)
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد
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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.
I tried the meat pizzas when I was young. We had a Lebanese family living next door for awhile and they used to send food over for us to try. I loved the meat pizzas and now I can have a go at making them myself.
@Andrea Salam Andrea. Glad to hear that. Take care.