We have already read about Labor Dayعيد العمال but how did you do on its quiz ? Did you answer all the questions correctly ? Ok, today, I will present the answers to the Labor Day Quiz for you all to check your answers. To view the questions, go back to the quiz.
1) The Egyptians celebrate “Labor Day” on May 1st every year.
يــحــتــفــــل الــمــصـــريـــــون بـــعــيــــد الـــعــُــمــــّــــال فــى الأول مــن مــايــــو كــل عـــَـــام
2) Americans celebrate “Labor Day” on the first Monday in September.
يــحــتـــفـــــل الأمـــريــكـــيــــون بــعـــيــــد الــعـــُــمــّـــال فــى الإثــنــيــــن الأول مــن شــهـــر ســبــتــمــبــــر
3) The slogan that the Chicago workers lifted up was; “Eight hours to work, eight hours to rest, eight hours to sleep.”
الــشـِـعـَــار الـذى كـان يـرفـعــه الـعــُـمــّــال فـى شـيـكــاغـو هو ” ثـمــان ســاعــات لـلــعــمــل , ثــمـــان ســاعــــات لـلــراحـــة و ثــمـــان ســاعــــات لـلــنــــوم
4) The American Labor Union Movement called for the first workers’ strike on May 1st 1886 .
7) Translate the following sentence into Arabic: ترجـِم العـبـارة الـتـالـيـة إلى اللغــة العـربـيــة
“The Egyptian workers have made great efforts in the construction of the Suez Canal and the High Dam and had a long history of struggle for better conditions.”
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.