Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Peace in Arabic (2) Posted by jesa on Jan 31, 2016 in Arabic Language
Marhaba! Hope you all refreshed your memory and/or learned something new from the previous post on the 10 most common words about peace in Arabic. I am confident you all enjoyed solving the crossword puzzle! In this post I am sharing the answers to the Arabic crossword puzzle and some examples of how you can use these words in a sentence. I have also translated and transliterated every example so that you can learn how to read and pronounce every sentence accurately. Stay tuned for a near-future post on the most common words about war. Always think of these exercises as a source of vocabulary and a repertoire of building blocks for your writing, speaking, and reading!
Peace – سلام
Example: After decades of war and destruction, peace now reigns in the homeland.
Translation: بعد عقود من الحرب والدمار, السلام الآن يعم الوطن
Transliteration: Ba‘-da ‘u-qud min al-ha-rib wa-l-da-mar al-sa-lam al-’an ya-‘um al-wa-tan.
Truce –هدنة
Example: The truce will not be violated unless one party launches new attacks.
Translation: الهدنة لن تنتهك إلا إذا أطلق أحد الطرفين هجوم جديد
Transliteration: al-hud-na lan tun-ta-hak il-la ’i-tha in-ta-la-qa a-had al-ta-ra-fayn hu-jum ja-did.
Treaty –معاهدة
Example: The treaty ended all ongoing disputes between these two fighting parties.
Translation: المعاهدة أنهت كل الخلافات بين الطرفين المتنازعين
Transliteration: al-mu-‘a-ha-da an-hat kul al-khi-la-fat bay-na al-ta-ra-fayn al-mu-ta-na-zi-‘ayn.
Peacemaker –صانع سلام
Example: Ahmad was a peacemaker between his fighting brothers.
Translation: أحمد كان صانع سلام بين أخويه المتنازعين
Transliteration: Ahmad ka-na sa-ni‘ sa-lam bay-na akha-way-hi al-mu-ta-na-zi-‘ayn.
Olive Branch –غصن زيتون
Example: After years of fighting, one of the groups extended an olive branch to end all quarrels.
Translation: بعد سنين من التقاتل, أحد الافرقاء مد غصن زيتون لانهاء كل النزاعات
Transliteration: Ba‘-da si-nin min al-ta-qa-tul a-had al-af-ri-qa’ mad-a ghu-sin zay-tun li-in-ha’ kul al-ta-na-zu-‘at.
Coexist –تعايش
Example: Following a 15-year civil war, the people of Lebanon realized that it is better to coexist despite any differences.
Translation: بعد خمسة عشر سنة من الحرب الاهلية, أدرك شعب لبنان انه من الافضل التعايش رغم الخلافات
Transliteration: Ba‘-da kham-sat ‘a-shar sa-na min al-ha-rib al-ah-li-ya ad-ra-ka sha-‘ib lub-nan an-ahu min al-af-dal al-ta-‘a-yush rugh-ma al-khi-la-fat.
Silence –صمت
Example: The silence reveals that the clashes have finally ended.
Translation: الصمت يظهر أن الاشتباكات قد انتهت أخيراً
Transliteration: Al-sa-mit yuth-hir an-na al-ish-ti-ba-kat qad in-ta-hat akhi-ran.
Dove –حمامة
Example: Ali released a dozen doves to remind everyone that the war ended.
Translation: أطلق علي دزينة من الحمام ليذكر الجميع أن الحرب انتهت
Transliteration: At-la-qa Ali da-zi-na min al-ha-mam li-yu-tha-kir al-ja-mi‘ an-na al-ha-rib in-ta-hat.
Security – أمن
Example: The militia fighter indicated that his group launched attacks to maintain the village’s security.
Translation: محارب الميليشيا أعلن أن فريقه أطلق الهجمات للمحافظة على أمن ضيعته
Transliteration: Mu-ha-rib al-mi-li-tia a‘-la-na an-na fa-ri-qa-hu at-la-qa al-ha-ja-mat lil-mu-ha-fa-tha ‘a-la a-min day-‘a-ti-hi.
Agreement –اتفاق
Example: After hours of negotiations, both parties reached an agreement to end the war.
Translation: بعد ساعات من المفاوضات, توصل الفريقين الى اتفاق لانهاء الحرب
Transliteration: Ba‘-da sa-‘at min al-mu-fa-wa-dat ta-wa-sa-la al-fa-ri-qayn ’i-la iti-faq li-in-ha’ al-ha-rib.
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد

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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.