Marhaba! I hope you all learned something new and/or refreshed your memory from the previous post about the 10 most common words about space in Arabic. I am confident you enjoyed solving the crossword puzzle! In this post I am sharing the answers and some examples of how you can use these words in a sentence. I have also transliterated and translated every example so that you can learn how to read and pronounce every sentence accurately. As I always say, think of these exercises as a repertoire of building blocks and source of vocabulary for your speaking, writing, and reading! Stay tuned for more exciting Arabic exercises.

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Example: Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut to walk on the moon
Translation: نيل أرمسترونغ أول رائد فضاء مشى على القمر
Transliteration: Neil Armstrong aw-wal ra-’id fa-da’ ma-sha ‘a-la al-qa-mar.
Example: We live in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Translation:نحن نعيش في مجرة درب التبانة
Transliteration: Nah-nu na-‘ish fi ma-ja-rat darb al-tab-ba-na.
Gravity and Space
Example: Gravity is the force that keeps us from floating in space.
Translation: الجاذبية هي القوة التي تبقينا من الطفو في الفضاء
Transliteration: al-ja-thi-bi-ya hi-ya al-qu-wa al-la-ti tub-qi-na min al-ta-fu fi al-fa-da’.
Orbit and Satellites
Example: Hundreds of satellites circle the Earth’s orbit
Translation: مئات الاقمار الاصطناعية تدور حول مدار الارض
Transliteration: Mi-’at al-aq-mar al-is-ti-na-‘i-ya ta-dur haw-la ma-dar al-ard.
Planets and Solar
Example: There are eight planets in our solar system.
Translation:هناك ثماني كواكب في نظامنا الشمسي
Transliteration: Hu-na-ka tha-ma-ni ka-wa-kib fi ni-dha-mi-na al-sham-si.
Stars and Universe
Example: Millions of stars twinkle in the universe.
Translation: ملايين النجوم تومض في الكون
Transliteration: Ma-la-yin al-nu-jum tuw-mid fi al-kawn.

For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد