Marhaba! I hope you all refreshed your memory and/or learned something new from the previous post about the 10 most common words about vacations in Arabic. I am certain you enjoyed solving the crossword puzzle! In this post I am sharing the answers and some examples of how you can use these words in a sentence. I have also transliterated and translated every example so that you can learn how to read and pronounce every sentence accurately. As I always maintain, think of these exercises as a source of vocabulary and a repertoire of building blocks for your speaking, writing, and reading! Stay tuned for more exciting Arabic exercises.

Image by Meagan via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Airplane – طائرة
Example: My airplane leaves early tomorrow.
Translation: تقلع طائرتي غداً صباحاً
Transliteration: Tuq-li‘ ta-’i-ra-ti gha-dan sa-ba-han.
Baggage – حقائب
Example: Ahmad’s baggage is full of souvenirs.
Translation: حقائب أحمد مملوئة هدايا تذكارية
Transliteration: Ha-qa-’ib Ahmad mam-lu-’a ha-da-ya tith-ka-ri-ya.
Beach and Vacation – شاطئ and اجازة
Example: George spent most of his vacation at the beach.
Translation: جورج أمضى معظم اجازته على الشاطئ
Transliteration: George am-da mu‘-dham i-ja-za-ta-hu ‘a-la al-sha-ti’.
Boat – قارب
Example: Fatmeh took a boat cruise around the island.
Translation: فاطمة أخذت رحلة بالقارب حول الجزيرة
Transliteration: Fatima a-kha-that rih-la bil-qa-rib haw-la al-ja-zi-ra.
Tour and Touristic Guide – جولة and دليل سياحي
Example: Our touristic guide spoke four languages during our tour.
Translation:تكلم دليلنا السياحي أربعة لغات خلال جولتنا
Transliteration: Ta-ka-lla-ma da-li-lu-na al-si-ya-hi ar-ba-‘at lu-ghat khi-lal jaw-la-ta-na.
Hotel and Map – فندق and خارطة
Example: The hotel had a detailed map of the city.
Translation:كان هناك خارطة مفصلة للمدينة في الفندق
Transliteration: Ka-na hu-nak kha-ri-ta mu-fa-sa-la lil-ma-di-na fi al-fun-duq.
Pictures – صور
Example: I was sending my brother pictures every evening.
Translation: كنت ارسل الصور كل ليلة الى أخي
Transliteration: Kun-tu ur-sil al-su-war kul lay-la i-la a-khi

Image by Dani Jace via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد