Lebanon: Immigration Wave (1) موجة هجرة Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Aug 17, 2020 in Arabic Language, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Lebanon has recently reached a point of collapse وصلت إلى نقطة انهيار that affected all aspects of life. In addition to the political corruption الفساد السياسي , the high prices غلاء الأسعار and unemployment البطالة have worsened زادت سوءً as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.
The current situation الموقف الحالي in Lebanon is the focus of this series of posts (4 parts). These posts are based on a video clip/ report (produced by BBC Arabic) that addresses the topic of migration موضوع الهجرة – as a the best option كأفضل حلّ for many Lebanese people nowadays because of the poor living conditions سوء الظروف المعيشية there. Each of these posts is dedicated to studying a specific aspect of the language used in the report.
The report in this clip was published in early July, before the massive explosion الانفجار الضخم that took place in Beirut port مرفأ / ميناء بيروت on the 4th of this month. Probably, more people now are thinking about migration الهجرة than before, even celebrities حتى المشاهير.
For example, the Lebanese actress Nadine Njeim نادين نجيم tweeted غرّدت (see screenshot below) that she has decided to leave the country قرّرت مغادرة البلد after her house was severely damaged بعد أن تضرّر بيتها بشكل كبير because of the explosion . She also got injured أُصِيبَت and has had to have a few surgeries بعض العمليات الجراحية .
*Translation of the first two lines of the tweet:
“From this moment, at the hospital, I made a decision: I’m going to leave the country and live safely in another country that respects its people”.
Now, Let’s move on to the clip>>
*The report is mainly in Lebanese Arabic, alongside some subtitles in Standard Arabic.
١– الكلمات الرئيسية
Key words:
Listen to the interview again, and check the correct Arabic equivalents to the English words/phrases below:
*The order of the words is based on the order they appear in in the report.
Most words below are in Lebanese Arabic, however, the few words in Standard Arabic that appear in the subtitles are underlined.
Fear of the future الخوف من المستقبل
What’s waiting for me? شو ناطرني
I want to immigrate بدّي هاجر
a place محلّ
provides يأمّن
dignity كرامة
it doesn’t feed ما بتطعمي
we have to مضطرّين
Immigration wave موجة هجرة
Expected متوقّعة
our money مصرياتنا
my husband جوزي
their value is gone تروح قيمتن/ قيمتهم
Nationality الجنسية
Leaving يغادرون
immigrating مهاجرين
we come back نرجع
stay away نضل بعاد
communicate with نتواصل مع
I’m leaving تاركه
woes/ ordeals الويلات
I used to live كنت عايشة
situation الوضع
settling down الاستقرار
she migrates تهاجر
to provide for them تأمنّلن /تأمن لهم
the country البلد
belonging انتماء
our career مهنتنا
it doesn’t provide ماعم بيأمّن
seeks to يسعى لِـ
we dream نحلم
hope الأمل
disappears يختفي
accomplish نحقّق
official figures أرقام رسمية
ratio نسبة
Stay tuned for the coming parts of this post 😉

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