Listening Comprehension Answers: Snow In The Arab World Posted by Fisal on Jan 28, 2016 in Arabic Language, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How did you find the last listening exercise about Snow in the Arab World? I hope it had given you some warmth in these cold days. Here are the answers. If you would like to listen again or have another look at the questions, please click here.
الإجــابــات Answers
الـدول الــعــربــيــة الــتـي اجــتــاحــتــهــا الــعــاصــفــة الــثــلــجــيــة هــى ســوريــا و الأردن و فــلـســطــيــن و لــبــنــان.
1) The Arab countries hit by the snow storm are Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon.
كــان الــشــتــاءُ حــتــى الآن فــى هــذه الــدول مــعــتــدلاً.
2) The winter in these countries up till now was moderate.
الــمــقــصــود بــمــصــطــلــح “الــزائــر الأبــيــض” هــو الــثــلــج أو الــجــلــيــد.
3) The term “The White Visitor” means snow.
أول دولــة تــســتــقــبــل “الــزائــر الأبــيــض” هــى لــبــنــان.
4) The first country to welcome the white visitor is Lebanon.
الــتــنــبــيــهــات الــتــي صــدرت فــى لــبــنــان تــشــمــل إرتــفــاع ســرعــة الــريــاح إلــى مــا يــزيــد عــلــى ســتــيــن (60) كــيــلــو مــتــر فــى الــســاعــة ، و تــدنٍ فــى درجــات الــحــرارة إلــى حــُــدود الأربــع (4) درجــات تــحــت الــصــفــر.
5) The warnings issued in this country include a rise in wind speed to more than sixty (60) kilometers per hour and a temperature drop to less than four (4) degrees under zero.
يــعــيــشُ ســُــكــّــانُ الأردن أجــواءَ الأمــطــار و الــثــلــوج.
6) The people of Jordan live in a weather of rain and snow.
يــُــتــَــوَقــَّــع ســُــقــوط الــثــلــوج عــلــى الــقــمــم الــعــالــيــة فــى الــضــِــفــَّــةِ الــغــربــيــة.
7) Snow is expected to fall on the high peaks of the West Bank.
فــضــْــلاً عــن ســوريــا ، مــن الــمــتــوقــع أن تــتــأثــر بــُــلــدانٌ عــِــدّة فــى الــمــنــطــقــة بــالــمــوجــة الــى يــُــتــوقــّــعُ أنْ تــضــربَ مــنــاطــق فــى شــمــال الــســعــوديــة.
8) Apart from Syria, many countries in the region are expected to be affected by the (cold) wave that is expected to hit areas in the north of Saudi Arabia.
الــتــدابــيــر الــتــى يــُــنــصــَــح بــإتــخــاذهــا فــي مــثــل هــذه الــظــروف تــشــمــل:
– تــخــزيــن مــواد تــدفــئــة كــالــحــطــب.
– عــدم الــتــجــول إلا عــنــد الــضــرورة الــقــصــوى.
– إغــلاق وســائــل الــتــدفــئــة الــعــامــلــة بــنــظــام الــلــهــب الــمــكــشــوف عــنــد الــنــوم.
– إبــعــاد الــمــواد الــقــابــلــة للإشــتــعــال مــن أمــام وســائــل الــتــدفــئــة بــمــا فــيــهــا الــمــلابــس.
9) Precautions that are advisable in such conditions include:
- Storing heating materials like wood.
- Not going outdoors unless necessary.
- Shutting down all devices that work on open flame heating systems before bed.
- Keeping all flammable materials away from heating devices including clothes.
مــُــرادفــات الــكــلــمــات:
10) The synonyms of the words:
- The verb “اجــتــاحــت” means “اكــتــســحــت” which translates as “swept”.
- The verb “حــســَــمَ أمــرهُ” means “قــرَّرَ” which translates as “decided”.
- The verb “طــَــرَأ” means “حــَــدثَ / وقــَــعَ” which translates as “happened / occurred”.
- The noun “تــنــبــيــه” means “تــحــذيــر” which translates as “warning / alarm”.
- The noun “تــَــدَنٍ” means “إنــخــفــاض” which translates as “decrease”.
- The noun “تــدابــيــر” means “احــتــيــاطــات” which translates as “precautions”.
- The adjective “غــزيــرة” means “كــثــيــرة” which translates as “much”.
- The adjective “مــلــمــوس” means “مــحــســوس” which translates as “tangible”.
- The adjective “قــابــل للإشــتــعــال” means “ســهــل الإشــتــعــال” which translates as “flammable”.
- The adverb “تــلافــيــًا” means “تــجــنــُّــبــًا” which translates as “to avoid”.
تــَـــرجــَــمــَــة الــجــُــمــلــة إلــى الــلــغــة الإنــجــلــيــزيــة:
11) Translation of the sentence into English:
“بــعــد شــتــاءٍ مــعــتــدلٍ عــاشــتــهُ دولُ الــشــرق الأوســط حــتــى الآن ، يــبــدو أنَّ الــزائــرَ الأبــيــضَ حــســمَ أمــرَهُ لــِــيــغــطــِّــىَ مــســاحــاتٍ فــى الــمــنــطــقــة.”
“After a moderate winter that the Middle East counties lived up till now, it seems that the white visitor (snow) has decided to cover areas in the region.”
Check us back Soon!
Peace ســَــلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.
Thank you again, Fisal, for this great blog. I have a question: why do you separate the letter ‘waw’ (meaning ‘and’) from the word it precedes? Is this optional in Arabic grammar?
@Andy Ahlan, Andy
You are very welcome. The particle “waw” (meaning ‘and’) is a separate word so it should be separated, I guess
Thanks you so much for this exercise. I learned alot from it, and would like to see more exercises like these! Can you possibly write the tashkeel for the questions in the future, or provide an audio of the questions read out loud? It is hard for me to pronounce the words without it.
@Josy Ahlan Josy,
You are very welcome. We are happy that you are learning a lot from our blog. We already have so many listening exercises on our blog and we promise more. If you go to our blog page (Arabic Language Blog) and type “Listening” or “listening Exercises” or “Listening Comprehension Exercises” in the search tab, you will see more of them.