watch the video below and try to answer the questions that follow it, using the information provided.
Use the useful vocabulary given at the end of the post
1- What did Médecins Sans Frontières warn of?
2- How many refugees live in Mibra camp in Mauritania?
3- What do they lack at the camp?
4- How does the doctor describes all the people coming to the camp?
5- What is the main problem that children in the camp suffer from?
6- What are the doctors trying to do?
Useful vocabulary:
حذرت warned
منظمة organization
أطباء بلا حدود Médecins Sans Frontières
كارثة Disaster
تفاقم Exacerbation
الوضع الانساني the humanitarian situation
مخيميات camps
لاجئ refugees
افتقار lack of
الأمم المتحدة the UN
السلطات authorities
بحاجة الى in need of
يعانون من suffer from
سوء التغذية malnutrition
مؤخراً lately
الوقاية prevention
المعالجة treatment
Come back again soon for the transcription and the answers of the questions.