Tag Archives: Listening Comprehension Exercise
The Christian Community in Jordan Posted by yasmine on Mar 23, 2022

In part one of this post, we’ll be learning about Arab Christians المسيحيون العرب in Jordan. We’ll watch a clip in Modern Standard Arabic that lists the different Christian sects الطوائف المسيحية existing in Jordan, the churches الكنائس in each area, and the holidays الأعياد they celebrate. In the next post, we’ll learn about their…
أنواع المَكْتبات في الأردن Types of Libraries in Jordan Part Two Posted by yasmine on Sep 15, 2021

In this post we’ll continue the story of غيث بحدوشة and مكتبته المميزة his unique library. But first let’s get to know some book genres in Arabic. 📚 ما أنواع الكتب التي تحب أن تقرأها؟ What types of books do you like to read? 📗📘📙📕Book genres أنواع الكتب قِصص المُغامرات: adventure الفن / العمارة: art/architecture …
El-Funoun Dance Troupe فرقة الفنون الشعبية الفلسطينية Posted by yasmine on Aug 25, 2021

Are you interested in folklore التُّراث الشَّعبي/الفولكلور? Have you attended any performance by a folklore dance group فِرقة رَقْص فولكلوري? What comes to mind when you think of فرقة رقص فولكلوري? I assume they have a lot of pride الفَخْر since they express their love for their culture الثَّقافة and homeland الوَطَن through the art…
Christmas around the World1 Posted by aziza on Dec 26, 2017

This post presents the answers of the listening comprehension exercise based on a video on how Christmas this year is celebrated around the world. The video is from Al-Jazeera Channel. English Questions and Answers: Where does Santa Clause arrive in his bus? Santa Clause bus arrives at Brazilian the town of Santo Andre. What did…
Christmas around the World Posted by aziza on Dec 25, 2017

Season’s Greetings! This post presents a listening comprehension exercise based on a video on how Christmas this year is celebrated around the world. The video is from Al-Jazeera Channel. Please watch the video and answer the questions that follow. You can use the additional vocabulary list to assist your comprehension. Answer the following questions in…
Listening Exercise: An Expat in Japan Posted by Fisal on May 19, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! What second language are you learning or have you already learned? Dare you take Japanese! Let’s listen to this Egyptian guy who is the first Arab to get a work permit as a doctor in Japan and try to answer some comprehension questions about him and his life in Japan. اِســتــمــع…
Listening Comprehension Exercise: Tripoli Food Trail Posted by Fisal on Apr 28, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Have you been to Lebanon? What cities did you visit? Have you heard of Tripoli; the Lebanese famous old city? Let’s listen to this news report about the city and what its people are doing to attract more tourists and then try to answer some comprehension questions. اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ،…