Christmas around the World Posted by aziza on Dec 25, 2017 in Arabic Language, Culture, Vocabulary
Season’s Greetings!
This post presents a listening comprehension exercise based on a video on how Christmas this year is celebrated around the world. The video is from Al-Jazeera Channel.
Please watch the video and answer the questions that follow. You can use the additional vocabulary list to assist your comprehension.
Answer the following questions in English:
Where does Santa Clause arrive in his bus?
What did Santa Clause remember in Florida?
Who is dressed up for Christmas in South Korea?
Answer the following Questions in Arabic:
كيف اكتسب الاحتفال بعيد الميلاد طابعاً إنسانيأً في ألمانيا؟
لماذا يعاني سكان الفلبين في عيد الميلاد؟
كيف يحتفل أطفال سوريا بالعيد؟
ما رسالة بابا نويل الفنلندي؟
Useful words:
بابا نويل = Santa Clause
حافلة = bus
عيد الميلاد = Christmas
على الإطلاق = ever
البهجة = happiness
أعماق = deep
سواحل = coasts
ينسى = forget
الكائنات البحرية = sea creatures
البطاريق =penguins
تحشد = gather
طريف = funny
حلة = outfit
الأنوار = lights
طابع = character
إنساني = humanitarian
الدفء = warmth
المشردين = homeless
الفقراء = poor
الجهد = effort
دمر = destroyed
الإعصار = hurricane
يغنون = sing
الهدايا = presents
القطب الشمالي = the North Pole
تعم = prevail
مشاعر = feelings
Come back again soon to check the answers!

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