Watch the video and answer the questions that follow:
You can use the vocabulary provided to assist you.
كشف = revealed
مصير = destiny
القمامة = rubbish
الحصاد = harvest
التخزين = storing
النقل = transporting
الرشيد = wise
بائع = seller
مستهلك = consumer
بائع التجزئة = retailer
فقدان = loss
رفض = refuse
محاصيل = harvest
توافق مع = comply with
معايير = standards
يتخلص من = dispose of
مدلول = meaning
جودة = quality
صلاحية = validity
Now answer the following questions:
1- What did the British report reveal?
2- According to the report, what is the cause of food loss?
3- How much food does the world produce annually?
4- How much of the food produced is wasted?
5- Why do retailers refuse some fruit and vegetable produce?
6- Why do consumers waste food?
Come back soon for the answers and transcription!