Arabic Language Blog

Listening Comprehension – Palestinian Refugees in Syria Posted by on Mar 19, 2014 in Arabic Language, Vocabulary

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise. The text below deals with current affairs. Listen to the text and answer the questions below. There are some useful words given at the end of the post that can assist your comprehension.


1-    What did the UNRWA announce?

2-    What does the word UNRWA stand for in Arabic?

3-    How long has the Yarmouk Refugee camp been besieged?

4-    Who assisted the UNRWA in the distribution?

5-    What was distributed to the people of the camp?


Useful Vocabulary: 

أعلنت = announced

وكالة = agency

غوث = relief

تشغيل = works

اللاجئين الفلسطينيين = Palestinian refugees

مساعدات = aid

مخيم = camp

محاصر = besieged

وزع = distribute

الهلال الاحمر = the Red Crescent

لقاح شلل الاطفال = Polio vaccine

حليب = milk


Please come back tomorrow for the transcription of the news story and the answers.

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