Marhaba! I am sure you were also as sad and disappointed to learn that the devastating war in Syria is affecting world class historical sites in the Arab world. Among the many states and internal organizations to pay attention to such devastation, the U.S. State Department issued a statement regarding these devastating events. You can read it here and the title of the press statement is “Threats to Cultural Heritage in Iraq and Syria.” In this post, I am sharing the answers to the reading comprehension exercise. I am confident you were able to answer the questions, and that you learned a few new things from this informative yet sad news article.
Omayad Mosqye of Aleppo, Syria | Image from Wikimedia Commons
- كشفت الصور التي التقطتها الاقمار الاصطناعية عن ان خمسة من المواقع الاثرية السورية الستة المسجلة لدى منظمة يونسكو كمواقع اثرية عالمية قد اصيبت بدمار كبير جراء الحرب الدائرة في سوريا.
The satellite images have revealed that five of the six Syrian cites listed under the UNESCO as world heritage sites have seen immense destruction due to the ongoing war in Syria.
- الموقع الحضاري الوحيد الذي سلم من التدمير هو مدينة دمشق القديمة.
The only cultural site that has been spared destruction is the old city of Damascus.
- مسجد المدينة الكبير.
The Great Mosque of Aleppo.
- تحوي مدينة بصرى الشام الكثير من الآثار الرومانية والبيزنطية والاسلامية.
The city of Basra al-Sham has a lot of Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic ruins.
- Translation of sentence:
كانت الآثار الرومانية-الاغريقية والفارسية في مدينة تدمر الواقعة وسط الصحراء السورية من اهم المعالم السياحية في سوريا.
The Roman-Greek and Persian historic ruins in the city of Tadmur located in the middle of the Syrian dessert were the most important Syrian touristic sites.
Stay tuned for the answers and upcoming posts.
Have a nice day!
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