Nizar Qabbani; “River of Sorrows” Posted by Fisal on Dec 17, 2014 in Arabic Language, Culture, Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Ahlan أهــْــلاً Arabic lovers! Today, I am presenting a very beautiful love poem by the great Arab poet Nizar Qabbani نــِــزَار قــَــبــَّــانــِــي . The poem is entitled; “River of Sorrows نــهــرُ الأحــزان“. It reflects the suffering that the poet finds in his love. I have also posted a youtube video of Nizar Qabbani reciting the whole poem in Arabic so that you can listen to the poem as long as reading it in both Arabic and English. There is also the youtube song of the poem sung by Khalid Al-Sheikh خــالــد الـــشــيــخ . I made the English translation for the poem and I hope you will love it.
عـيـنـاكِ كـنـهـري أحــزانِ
Your eyes are like two rivers of sorrow
نـهـري مـوسـيـقـى .. حـمـلانـي
Two rivers of music .. that took me
لـوراءِ ، وراءِ الأزمــانِ
Far, beyond the times
نـهـرَي مـوسـيـقـى قـد ضـاعـا
Two music rivers that were lost
سـيـّـدتـي .. ثـمَّ أضـاعــانـي
O, Mistress .. then they lost me
الـدمـعُ الأسـودُ فـوقـهـمـا
Black tears over them
يـتـسـاقـطُ أنـغـامَ بـيــانِ
Fall like clear tunes
عـيـنـاكِ وتـبـغـي وكـحـولـي
Your eyes, my tobacco, my alcohol
والـقـدحُ الـعـاشـرُ أعـمـانـي
And the tenth glass has blinded me
وأنـا فـي الـمـقـعـدِ مـحـتــرقٌ
And I am in the chair, burning
نـيـرانـي تـأكــلُ نـيــرانـي
My fires eat my fires
أأقــولُ أحـبـّــكِ يـا قـمـري؟
Shall I say that I love you, my Moon?
آهٍ ، لــو كـانَ بـإمـكــانـي
Oh, if only I could,
فـأنـا لا أمـلكُ فـي الـدنـيــا
As I have nothing in this world
إلا عـيـنـيــكِ وأحــزانـي
Except for your eyes and my sorrows
سـُــفـنـي فـي الـمـرفـأ بـاكـيــةٌ
My ships are in the harbor crying
تـتــمــزّقُ فـوقَ الـخــلـجــانِ
Being torn over the bays
وَ مـصــيـري الأصـفــرُ حــطــّــمـنـي
And my yellow fate has destroyed me
حـطــّــمَ فـي صـدري إيـمـانـي
It has destroyed the faith in my chest
أأســافــرُ دونــكِ لـيـلـكــتــي؟
Shall I travel without you, my Lilac?
يـا ظـِــلَّ الله بـأجـفــانـي
O, you; the shadow of God in my eyes
يـا صـيـفـي الأخـضــرَ ، يـا شـمـسـي
O, you; my green summer, my sun
يـا أجـمــلَ .. أجـمــلَ ألــوانـي
O, you most beautiful of my colors
هـل أرحــلُ عـنـكِ وَ قـصــّــتــنــا
Shall I leave you and our story
أحـلـى مـن عـودةِ نـيـســانِ؟
Is sweeter than the return of April?
أحـلـى مـن زهـرةِ غـارديـنـيــا
Sweeter than the gardenia
فـي عــُــتــمــةِ شـعـــرٍ إسـبــانـي
In the darkness of Spanish hair
يـا حـبــّـي الأوحـدَ .. لا تـبــكـي
O, my only love .. don’t cry
فــدمــوعــُــكِ تـحـفــرُ وجـــدانـي
Because your tears dig in my heart
إنـي لا أمـلـكُ فـي الـدنـيــا
I have nothing in the world
إلا عـيـنـيــكِ .. وَ أحــزانـي
Except for your eyes .. and my sorrows
أأقــولُ أحــبــكِ يــا قــمـــري؟
Shall I say that I love you, my Moon?
آهٍ ، لــو كــان بــإمــكــانـي
Oh, if I could
فــأنـــا إنــســانٌ مـفــقـــودٌ
I am a lost human
لا أعــرفُ فـي الأرضِ مـكـانـي
I don’t know my place on earth
ضــيــّــعــنـي دَربــي .. ضــيــّــعــَــني
My road has lost me
ضــيــّــعــَــني إسـمــي ..
My name has lost me
ضـيــَّــعــني عــنــوانـي
My address has lost me
تــاريــخــي! مـا لـيَ تـاريــخٌ
My history! I have no history
إنــي نـسـيــانُ الـنـســيــانِ
I am the oblivion on oblivion
إنــي مــرســـاةٌ لا تــرســُـــو
I am an anchor that never comes ashore
جــُـــرحٌ بـمـلامـِــحِ إنــســـانِ
A wound with the features of a human
مـَــاذا أعــطــيـــكِ؟ أجــيــبــيــنـي
What should I give you? Answer me
قـلـقــِــي؟ إلـحــادي؟ غــثــيــانـي؟
My worry? My atheism? My sickness?
مــاذا أعــطــيـــكِ ســوى قــدرٍ
What should I give you but a destiny
يــرقـــصُ فـي كــفِّ الــشــيــطــانِ
That dances in the hands of Satan
أنــا ألـــفُ أحــبــّـــكِ .. فــإبــتــعــدي
I love you a thousand times .. so keep away
عــنــّـي .. عــن نــاري ودُخــانــي
From me .. from my fire and smoke
فــأنــا لا أمــلــكُ فــي الــدنــيـــا
As I have nothing in the world
إلا عــيــنــيـــكِ … وَ أحـــزانــي
Except for your eyes .. and my sorrows
Check us back Soon
Peace ســـلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.