Arabic Language Blog

Reading Comprehension – Ebola Posted by on Sep 14, 2014

Read the news story below, and answer the questions that follow. You can use the vocabulary list at the end to assist your comprehension.   الصحة العالمية: التفشي الحالي لايبولا هو الأسوأ على الاطلاق أعلنت منظمة الصحة العالمية إن التفشي الحالي لوباء الايبولا هو الأسوأ في تاريخها على الاطلاق حيث تسبب في مقتل 2400 شخص…

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Listening Comprehension Answers: East and West Together Posted by on Sep 11, 2014

    Ahlan Arabic lovers! Here are the answers to the last listening comprehension exercise about the east and west music giants; Charles Davis and Ziad Al-rahbani, coming together in Lebanon. To view the exercise again, click here. الإجـــَـــــابــــَـــــات Questions اِســْــم عــِــمــْــلاق الــمــُــوســِـــيــقــَــى الــغــَــرْبــِــيّ هــُــوَ تــشــَــارْلــِــز دِيــفــِــيــسْ .        1) The name of the western…

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Listening Comprehension Exercise: East and West Together Posted by on Sep 11, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic lovers! Do you like music? What kind of music do you like? Can music unify people? Today, we are going to listen to a news report about two giant music figures; one from the east and the other from the west. شــَــاهــِــدْ الــفــِــيــديــُــو ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Watch…

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Reading Comprehension Answers: “Politicians” by Anis Mansour Posted by on Sep 7, 2014

    Ahlan Arabic fans! How was the reading exercise? Here, I present the answers to the Reading Comprehension Exercise; “Politicians” by Anis Mansour; the famous Egyptian writer and philosopher. The passage was part of his daily column in Al-Ahram newspaper. To view the exercise again, click here. الإجـــَــــابـــَــــات Questions الــســَّـــاســَـــةُ يــَـــرَوْنَ أنَّ الــنــَّــاسَ جــَــمــِــيــعـــًا…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: “Politicians” by Anis Mansour Posted by on Sep 7, 2014

اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:  “….. وَ الــســَّــاســَـــةُ هــُــمْ الــّــذيــنَ يــَـــرَوْنَ أَنَّ الــنــَّـــاسَ جــَــمــِــيــعــــًا أَدَوَاتْ وَ وَســَــائــِـــلْ … عــَــرَبــَــاتْ … مــِــنْ أَجــْــلِ أَنْ يــَـــصــِــلــُــوا بــِــهــِــمْ وَ عــَــلــى جــُــثــَـــثــِــهــِــمْ إلــى الــســُّـــلــْـــطــَـــةِ … إلــى الــْــقــُـــوَّةِ … إلــى الــمــَــالِ … إلــى الــْــقــَـــضــَـــاءِ عــَــلــَـى أُنــَــاسٍ آخــَــرِيــِـــنْ ……

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Amman International Book Fair 2014 Posted by on Sep 3, 2014

    Ahlan Arabic fans! Today, September 3rd. 2014 marks the launch of the fifteenth Amman International Book Fair مــَــعــْــرَضْ عــَــمــَّــانْ الــدَوْلــِــي لــِــلــْــكــِــتــَــابْ which is held in the Physical Education College كــُــلــِّــيــَّــة الــتــَّــرْبــِــيــَــة الــرِّيــَــاضــِــيــَّــة building near Al-Hussein Youth City مــَــديــنــَـــة الــحــُــســَــيــْــن لــِــلــشــَّــبــَــابْ  in Amman عــَــمــَّــانْ , Jordan الأرْدُن . The Book Fair events will continue till the 13th…

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Word search game – school – answer Posted by on Aug 31, 2014

In this post, I present the answer of the word search game published earlier. All the words are related to school and learning. If you are not sure about the meaning of any word, look at the bottom of the page for the translation. 1- مدرسة 2- معلّم 3- مكتب 4- قلم 5- دفتر 6-…

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