Arabic Language Blog

3 Popular Ramadan Drinks Posted by on Jul 26, 2014

Marhaba! As you have realized from earlier posts, friends, TV shows or newspapers, millions and millions of Muslims around the world are celebrating Ramadan, the holiest month in the Islamic Calendar. A bunch of religious traditions and activities take place every day for around 28-29 days. Muslims are required to fast between sunrise and sunset…

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Reading comprehension. War in Gaza. Answers Posted by on Jul 25, 2014

In this post, I present the answers of the reading comprehension exercise that deals with the latest developments in Gaza. جهود مكثفة للتوصل إلى هدنة في غزة والقتلى يتجاوزون 830 تواصل الجهود الدبلوماسية من أجل وقف إطلاق النار بين إسرائيل وحركة حماس في الوقت الذي تجاوز فيه عدد ضحايا الغارات الإسرائيلية في غزة 800 قتيل…

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Reading comprehension. War in Gaza. Posted by on Jul 25, 2014

In this post, I present a reading comprehension exercise that deals with the latest developments in Gaza. Read the following excerpt from an article on bbcarabic, then answer the following questions. You can use the vocabulary list at the end to assist your comprehension. جهود مكثفة للتوصل إلى هدنة في غزة والقتلى يتجاوزون 830 تواصل…

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The Verbal Sentence (Part 7) : The Passive Verb Gender Posted by on Jul 23, 2014

     Ahlan, Arabic fans! I know Arabic grammar is giving you some headache especially about the gender of (passive) verbs that must agree in number and gender with the subject or the deputy agent in passive sentences. Such headache does exist in all languages and Arabic is no exception. In the process of learning…

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A Simple Potato Recipe Posted by on Jul 21, 2014

This is one of my favourite potato recipes. It is very simple, quick and easy. Ingredients: Potatoes (بطاطس) Garlic (ثوم) Oil (زيت) Salt and pepper (ملح وفلفل)   Preparation: Peel the potatoes and cut them in thick fingers. Crush the garlic, salt and pepper in mortar or food processor or anyway you like. Mix the…

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Tears in Tunisia: Farewell to the Revolution’s Poet (2) Posted by on Jul 20, 2014

Marhaba! I am confident you enjoyed learning about this great late Tunisian poet. His poetry is certainly inspiring in every possible way. Poetry is another beautiful artistic way to express thoughts and feelings about real world significant issues and problems. The grievances of the Arabs in different states are immense and different poets, scholars, painters…

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Tears in Tunisia: Farewell to the Revolution’s Poet Posted by on Jul 19, 2014

Marhaba! A couple of days ago, a much loved and respected poet in the Arab world passed away. The late Ali al-Aswad Marzouki, one of Tunisia’s greatest poets, died at the age of 75 after a long illness. If you have come across his work, you would know that he is one of the greatest…

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