Arabic Language Blog

Listening Comprehension Exercise: Ramadan Desserts Posted by on Jul 2, 2014

      Have you ever been to a Muslim country in Ramadan رمــضــان ? Muslims all over the world celebrate the holy month of Ramadan these days. Ramadan is the Arabic month of Sawm الــصــيــام (fasting) which is the fourth pillar رُكــْـــن of Islam (You can find more information about the Five Pillars of Islam here)…

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word search game, sea creatures, answer Posted by on Jun 30, 2014

In this post, I present the answer of the previous word search game. All the words are related to sea creatures. If you are not sure about the meaning of any word, look at the bottom of the page for the translation   سمك حوت دولفين سبع البحر أخطبوط سردين قرش سلحفاة حبار قريدس…

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Word search game, sea creatures Posted by on Jun 30, 2014

In this post, I have prepared an Arabic word search game for you. Can you find the 10 words below in the table? If you are not sure about the meaning of any word, look at the bottom of the page for the translation. All the words are related to sea creatures. سمك حوت دولفين…

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When Islam Arrived to Australia – Part 2 Posted by on Jun 30, 2014

Marhaba! I am confident that many of you enjoyed learning more and more about how Islam arrived to Australia from the previous post. It’s always such a great feeling to learn something new, and especially if it is of such historical significance. Before I proceed to discuss the article and post the answers, I want…

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When Islam Arrived to Australia Posted by on Jun 28, 2014

Marhaba! Did you know that Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had frequent contact with Muslims across the world and from distant places? I for one did not, and just recently learned about these earlier contacts and historical relationships! I also learned that some historians argue that contact between Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander…

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The present tense verb endings1 Posted by on Jun 27, 2014

As explained in my previous post, there are three cases of the present tense verb, the default case, the imperfect (المرفوع), the subjunctive (المنصوب), and the jussive (المجزوم). The case of the verb depends on what precedes it. In this post, I explain the three cases of the present tense verb with suffix endings (ان،…

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A Revolution of Doubt (Om Kolthoum) Posted by on Jun 26, 2014

    Ahlan, Arabic fans! In my previous post I introduced a short biography of the Saudi prince and poet Abdullah Al-Faisal. Today,  we are going to read and listen to one of his masterpiece Fus’ha poems. The poem was published in the prince’s first volume of poetry; وحــى الــحــِــرمــان (revelations of Deprivation) but it…

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