Arabic Language Blog

Listening Comprehension, current news Posted by on May 18, 2014

Listen to the news story in the video, and answer the following questions. You can use the vocabulary items presented below to assist your comprehension.   Questions: How many soldiers did the Algerian Ministry of Defence deploy? Why was this action taken? Where were the forces deployed? What did the security source say about this…

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Reading Comprehension Answers: Pharaonic Wedding Posted by on May 15, 2014

Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Here are the answers for the reading comprehension exercise about the pharaonic wedding. To view the exercise again, click here.  الإجــَـــابـــَــــات Answers اِســْـــم الــشــَـــرِكــَـــة الــمــُــنــَـــظـــِّـــمــَـــة لـِـلــْــحــَـــفـــْـــلِ هــُــو “الأمــِـــيــرة ســِــيــنــَــا جــُـــروب”      1) The company that organized the wedding is “Al-Amirah Sina Group”. تــَـــمَّ الــْــحــَـــفـــْـــل  فــى مـديــنــة شــَــرم الــشــيـخ فــجــر الــثــُّــلاثــَــاء الــمــَــاضــى . …

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: Pharaonic Wedding Posted by on May 14, 2014

اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:    نــَــظــَّـــمــَـــتْ شــَـــرِكــَـــة “الأمــِـــيــرَة ســِــيـنــا جــُــروب” بــَــشــَـــرْم الــشــِّـــيــخ حــَــفـــْــل زِفــَــاف لــِــســَـــائــِــحــَــةٍ أجــْـــنــَــبــِــيــَّــةٍ عــَــلـى الــطــَّــرِيــقــَــةِ الــفــِــرْعــُـــونــِــيــَّــةِ ، فــَــجــْــرَ أمــْــسَ الــثــُّـــلاثـــَــاءِ . نــَــظــَّــمــَــتْ الــشــَّـــرِكــَــةُ الــحــَــفــْـــلَ فـي إِطــَــار جــَــذْبِ وتــَـــنــْــشــِــيــطِ الــســِــيــَـــاحــَـــةِ مــِــنْ خــِــلالِ الإطــْــلالــَــةِ عــَـلـى الــحــَــضــَــارَةِ الــفــِــرْعــُـــونــِـــيــَّـــةِ .      وقــَــالَ…

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Song for the Masses: We Are the Uprising and the Outcry Posted by on May 13, 2014

Marhaba! In a previous post I introduced you all to one of my favorite artists in the Arab world: Julia Boutros. As you all know, she is admired and loved by millions in the Arab world and many expatriates living in different places across the world. As you have realized from an earlier post, many…

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Archaeologists Dig Out One of the World’s Oldest Tombs in Egypt – Answers Posted by on May 11, 2014

Marhaba! I am sure you all enjoyed learning about this new archaeological discovery in beautiful Egypt. This is indeed amazing and will just make you realize that thousands of years people before us inhabited the very same earth, breathed the same air, and obviously engaged in many social practices and traditions that have survived to…

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Archaeologists Dig Out One of the World’s Oldest Tombs in Egypt Posted by on May 10, 2014

Marhaba! Archaeologists have just discovered yet another gem from one of the world’s most important centers of civilization: an ancient and historic tomb in southern Egypt. And again another captivating surprise from one of the greatest states in the world. Just take a moment to think about such a discovery and the probable origins of…

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Identifying passive participles Posted by on May 9, 2014

Passive participle (اسم المفعول) is a specific form in Arabic which is used commonly to refer to the object of the action. This form is derived from verbs in certain ways. From form I verbs, e.g.كتب – درس – حمل  , the active participle follows the pattern مفعول , for example, كتب – مكتوب درس…

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