Arabic Language Blog

Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad (1889 – 1969) Posted by on Feb 7, 2013

      In today’s post, I am going to tell you about a famous Egyptian figure; Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad عــبــاس مـحــمـــود الـعــقـــاد . Al-Aqqad was a famous writer كــاتــب , novelist روائــي , poet شــاعـــر , journalist  صــحــفــي and  critic نــاقــد .  He was also a member of the Arab Academy الأكــاديــمــيـــة الــعـــربــيـــة .      Al-Aqqad…

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Zajal el Zajjalin Posted by on Feb 6, 2013

Marhaba (مرحبا)! As promised in an earlier post, today I would like to introduce you all to Zajal (زَجَل), one of the most popular iconic and cultural traditions of many Mediterranean countries. In a nutshell, zajal is a traditional form of oral poetry  (شعر) in colloquial dialect (اللغة العاميّة ) . Most notably this form…

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The Verbal Sentence (Part 4) – Subject-Verb Agreement: Gender Posted by on Feb 3, 2013

        Today we are going to continue our study of the Verbal Sentence الـجـمـلــة الـفـعـلـيـــة . We have already discussed the Verb in more detail and the Subject or doer of the verb. We have also started discussing the subject-verb agreement; how the verb looks like with different subjects. We started with the subject-verb agreement…

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You are Back O, My Birthday! Posted by on Feb 2, 2013

      I have thought a lot of something to write about today. It was my birthday yesterday and I remembered this nice song of Fareed Al-Atrash فــريــد الأطـــرش  about his birthday in the movie and I liked to share it with you. Fareed was a famous Syrian singer مــُــطــْــرِب , composer مــُــلــَــحـــِّـــن and actor مــُــمــَــثــــِّـــلْ…

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Word search game, hobbies, answre Posted by on Jan 31, 2013

In this post, Ipresent the answer of the word search game about hobbies. By the way, what is your hobby? ما هوايتك؟ أنا أحب القراءة والموسيقى والمشي والتسوق. تصوير رقص موسيقى كاميرا سينما رياضة قراءة أزياء بستنة تسوق   Photography Dancing Music Camera Cinema Sports Reading Fashion  Gardening Shopping

Word search game – hobbies Posted by on Jan 31, 2013

In this post, I have prepared an Arabic word search game for you. Can you find the 10 words below in the table? If you are not sure about the meaning of any word, look at the bottom of the page for the translation. All the words are related to hobbies! تصوير رقص موسيقى كاميرا…

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Meet Mashrou3 Leila Posted by on Jan 30, 2013

Marhaba (مرحبا)! In this post, I want to introduce you all to one of my favorite Middle Eastern bands: Mashrou3 Leila (مشروع ليلى). By all means, this band is one of the most innovative and upcoming groups in the Middle East and with their progressive and enlightening music they have captured the hearts and minds…

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