Arabic Language Blog

Reading Comprehension Answers – Love Posted by on Sep 22, 2012

      Here are the answers to the reading comprehension exercise that I posted yesterday. To see the passage and questions again, click the following link: تتحدث القطعة عن الحب و المال   1) The passage speaks about love and money. لا يستطيع الإنسانأن يشترى الحب و القلوب و المشاعر .   2) Man can not…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise – Love Posted by on Sep 21, 2012

اِقــرأ الـقـطــعــة الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage then answer the questions: قــد يـمــلــك الإنــســانُ كـل أمــوال الــدنـيــا و لــكــنــه لا يــســتــطــيـــع أن يــشــتـــرى إحــســاســـاً صــادقــاً .. قــد يــتــصـــور الإنــســانُ أنــه بــدفــــتــر شــيــكـــاتـــه يــســتـــطـــيـــع أن يـــحــــول مــقـــدرات الــدنــيــــا و يــتــحــكـــم فــيــهـــا .. يــحـــب مــن يــحـــب .. و يــجـــرح مــن يـــجــــرح…

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Rosetta (Rasheed) Posted by on Sep 20, 2012

   Rasheed or Rashid  رشــــيــد or what is known in the west as Rosette or Rosetta is a city in the governorate of Beheira, Egypt. It is an old port that lies at the mouth of the western part of the Nile where it meets with the Mediterranean Sea. It is considered one of the…

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Verbal Sentence: The Subject/Doer (Part 2) Posted by on Sep 17, 2012

      Today we are going to continue our study of the second element in the Verbal Sentence الـجـمـلــة الـفـعـلـيـــة ; the subject. We have already known that the subject or the doer الــفــاعــِــل of an action is a noun (or a pronoun) that is in the Nominative Case حــَــالــَــةُ الــرَّفــْــعِ and is preceded by an…

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Ismail Yasin; (1912 – 1972) Posted by on Sep 16, 2012

    Ismail Yasin إسـمــاعــيــــل يــاســيـــن was a very famous Egyptian actor and monologist. He was born on  the 15th of September, 1912 in Suez City. His father was a middle class jeweler. His mother died when he was still a little child and his step-mother used to hurt him. Like most children of the time…

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Some exercises on demonstratives, answres Posted by on Sep 14, 2012

هذا  = this (sing. masc.) هذه = this (sing. fem.) هذان = these (dual. masc. nom.) هذين= these (dual. masc. acc./gen.) هاتان = these (dual. fem. nom.) هاتين = these (dual. fem. acc./gen.) هؤلاء = = these (plur.) Here is the answers of the exercises presented in my previous post: 1. هذه الطالبة تدرس في…

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Some exercises on demonstratives Posted by on Sep 13, 2012

Do you remember the demonstratives (أسماء الإشارة) in Arabic? هذا  = this (sing. masc.) هذه = this (sing. fem.) هذان = these (dual. masc. nom.) هذين= these (dual. masc. acc./gen.) هاتان = these (dual. fem. nom.) هاتين = these (dual. fem. acc./gen.) هؤلاء = these (plur.) Now, try to complete these sentences using one of…

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