Arabic Language Blog

Arabic Newspaper Mistake—of the “Huge” Caliber! Posted by on Mar 25, 2012

Due to its morphological structure, and because it is an extremely rich language, Arabic has a virtually unique feature compared to other world languages: Simply substitute one حــرف (letter) by another, and you will most likely end up with a whole new word! An interesting feature characterizing Arabic language, to the utter delight of Arab poets…

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Science and Manners Posted by on Mar 24, 2012

     Our blog today is about a masterpiece poem of the famous Egyptian Poet of the Nile شاعر النيل ; Hafez Ibrahim. The poem is called “Science and Manners العلم و الأخلاق“. Hafez chanted this wonderful poem in an opening ceremony حفل افتتاح of a new girls’ school in the city of Port Said in 1910…

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Research Study Says: Arabic Makes Your Brain Work More Posted by on Mar 23, 2012

Not too long ago, a study conducted by two researchers at the University of Haifa concluded that, unlike other languages such as English and Hebrew, readers in Arabic perform comparatively much more نشـــــاط دماغـــــــي (cerebral activity), since the two halves of the brain process Arabic differently than they would for other languages. The two researchers of the University of Haifa…

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Happy Mother’s Day Posted by on Mar 21, 2012

           Today is Mother’s Day عيد الأم in the Arab World and in some other countries, so  congratulations to all mothers all over the world in their day that coincides with the beginning of the spring season فصل الربيع .        The first person in the Arab world to call for…

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How to Write a CV in Arabic Posted by on Mar 21, 2012

Prominently highlighting your Arabic skills on your CV can be very good for a relevant language-related job. But you know what? Sending along an Arabic version of your سيـــــــــرَة ذاتِيَـــــــــــــــــة (CV) is actually even more impressive! Since there are plenty of websites and resources that show you how to write a good résumé in English in…

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Egyptian Proverbs (4) Posted by on Mar 20, 2012

    Arabic proverbs reflect the beauty of the Arabic Language and the wisdom of the Arabs and     their culture. In Egypt, these proverbs are part of everyone’s daily routine. There is no one single situation that would not have the perfect proverb tailored for it. Just for the sake of fun, I am going to…

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Rami: Hero of “The Goal Scorer” Posted by on Mar 19, 2012

Rarely have Arabic-dubbed cartoons receive all the praise they deserve: More than a simple work of translation from their original Japanese version, they were also a perfect educational vehicle to improve العربيـــــــــــــــة الفُصحَـــــــــى (classical Arabic) for at least two generations of kids and young adults, from Abu Dhabi to Casablanca! The Arabic Blog will therefore attempt to…

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