Arabic Language Blog

The Predicate of Kana and Sisters Posted by on Mar 17, 2012

We have already known that the Nominal Sentence  الــجــمـــلـة الاسـمــيــــة consists of two parts; the Mubtada الـمـبـتــدأ and the Khabar الـخــبـر . Both the Mubtada and the Khabar have different types.   We have also known that the verb Kana كان and its sisters can begin the nominal sentence and thus the Mubtada becomes the noun…

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Wake Up and Smell the Arabic Coffee! Posted by on Mar 16, 2012

You’ve always had cappuccinos, frappuccinos, espressos, lattes—and now you’re in for a change? Well, why not learn how to prepare القهــــــــوة العربيـــــــــة (Arabic coffee) in just 10 super easy steps! Arabic Coffee has quite a special pot called “دلَّــــــــة” (dallah) as well as a particular coffee cup that is small and without a handle… A video…

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Quick Intro to “Classy Insults” in Classical Arabic Posted by on Mar 13, 2012

!لا تَفْجَعُـــــــــــــوا يا أَصْدِقَــــــــــائي (Don’t panic, my friends!) Today’s post is not yet another vulgar compilation of الكلام الفاحش (profanities) such as the ones you can often run into on the Web in almost any language… Not at all. What you will find here is a quick intro to rather “classier” examples and paradigms of how insults…

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International Women’s Day Posted by on Mar 8, 2012

International Women’s Day          Google celebrates today the International Women’s Day يــَــوْمُ الــمــَــــــرأة الــعــَـــــالــَــمــِــــــــيّ  (IWD), so ‘Happy International Women’s Day‘ to all women all over the world. The day is marked on March 8th every year and is a national holiday عــُــطـــْـــلــــَـــة in many countries. The focus of the celebration ranges from showing respect اِحــْـــتــِـــــرام  , appreciation…

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Top 100+ Must-Know Arabic Words for Facebook Posted by on Mar 2, 2012

 Ever wondered how to say “Poke” in Arabic? Whether or not you’re certifiably مُدمــــــــن على الفيــــــس بـــــــوك (a “Facebookaholic”), this Top 100+ list can be a nice and fun way for you to quickly gain lots of Arabic vocabulary. Now, if you really want to propel your Arabic skills to the next level, this will set the ground…

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How Ancient Arabic Books Help Understand Today’s Weird Climate Change Posted by on Mar 1, 2012

  Who would have anticipated that كُتُبٌ عَرَبِيَّــــــــــة قَدِيــــــــــمة (old Arabic books), far from being “woefully outdated”, would maintain a thriving relevance for several centuries to come, and help humanity understand a world beyond the time and place they were written in—Our world today? Three days ago, the UK’s Daily Mail published an article citing an academic…

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A word search game in Arabic – media answer Posted by on Feb 29, 2012

Did you manage to answer the word search game? You can check your answers below. Can you think of other Arabic words about media? Please find more words below: the media industry =صناعة الإعلام correspondent =مراسل reporter =صحفي freedom of expression =حرية التعبير cersorship = رقابة  

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