The Predicate of Kana and Sisters Posted by Fisal on Mar 17, 2012 in Arabic Language, Culture, Grammar, Uncategorized, Vocabulary
- We have already known that the Nominal Sentence الــجــمـــلـة الاسـمــيــــة consists of two parts; the Mubtada الـمـبـتــدأ and the Khabar الـخــبـر . Both the Mubtada and the Khabar have different types.
- We have also known that the verb Kana كان and its sisters can begin the nominal sentence and thus the Mubtada becomes the noun agent (Ism اســم) of Kana and sisters and the predicate becomes the Khabar of Kana and sisters.
- Now, what are the types of the Khabar of kana and sisters? The answer to this question is so easy because the Khabar of kana and sisters is the same as the Khabar of the Mubtada in the nominal sentence.
Types of the Predicate of Kana and Sisters
أنـــــــواع خــــبـــر كـــــان و أخــــواتـــهـــــــــــــــــــا
The Khabar (Predicate) of Kana and Sisters can be any of the following types:
1) A Singular Predicate (Mofrad) خــــــبــر مـُــفــــــــرد :
The Khabar of Kana and sisters can be a singular noun (or adjective); not a sentence or a semi-sentence.
Ex. – كــان ابـن ســيـنـــا عــبــقـــــريـــّــــاً = Ibn Sina was a genius.
– كـــان الـــكــتـــــــابُ مــُــفـــيـــداً = The book was useful.
– صــَــار الـلـــَّـــبــنُ جــُـــــبــنــــــاً = The milk turned to cheese.
– ظــل الــحــَــــارســــان يــقـــظـــيـــْــــن = The two guards remained awake.
– أصــبــحــــت الــطـــيــــورُ جـــائـــعــــــةً = The birds were hungry in the morning.
2) A Sentence (Jomlah) جـُــمــــلـــة :
The Khabar of Kana and Sisters can – by itself – be a sentence.
This sentence of the Khabar has two types:
a) A Nominal Sentence (Jomlah Ismiyah)جـمــلـة اســمــيـــة
The predicate of Kana and sisters can be a nominal sentence. The subject of this sentence must have a pronoun that refers back to the first subject; (the Ism of Kana and sisters).
Ex. – مــا زال الــشــِـــعـــْـــرُ أســاســُـــهُ الــعــاطــفـــــة = Still, the essence of poetry is emotion.
– مـا زالـت الــســيـــارةُ سـِـعــرُهـــا مـُــرتــفــــعٌ = The Price of the car is still high.
b) A Verbal Sentence (Jomlah fi’liyyah) جملة فعلية
The predicate can be a Verbal sentence. Thus, it can be a sentence that starts with a verb and a pronoun that must refer back to the first subject; (the Ism of Kana and sisters).
Ex. – أصــبــح الــنـــــاسُ يـشــتـرون كــل شـــــيء = People got used to buying everything.
– كــان الــولـــدُ يــلــعـــــبُ الـــكـــُــــرَةَ = The boy was playing football.
– مـا زال الــمــِــصـــريـــُّـــون يـصـنــعـــون الــتـاريــــــخ – The Egyptians are still making history.
3) A Phrasal Predicate (Khabar Shib’h Jomlah) خــبـر شــــبـه جــمــلــة :
This type of predicate with Kana and sisters contains a preposition or an adverb.
Ex. – صـــارت الـــطـــائــــرةُ فــــوق الــســـحـــــاب = the Plane became above the clouds.
– و كـــان الــرُّكــَّـــابُ فــي أمــنِ و اطــمـئــنـــان = The passengers were in safety and peace.
– لــيـــْـــسَ فــي الــبــيــــت أحــَــــدٌ = There is no one in the house.
– كــان بــيـــن الــجــُـــمـــهــــُــور جــاســُـــــوسٌ = There was a spy among the audience.
(Note: The predicate of Kana and sisters can precede their noun (Ism) if this predicate is a phrasal one and the noun is indefinite like the last two examples above.)
Check us back soon
Peace سلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.
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