Arabic Language Blog

Grammar Exercise Answers Posted by on Jul 8, 2011

        Today, I present the translation of the previous Arabic passage and the answers to the grammar questions based on that passage. لقد وَهبَ اللهُ مصرَ الكثيرَ مِنَ النِعَم , فلها موقعٌ ممتازٌ يَربُطُ بَين أعظم بَحرَيْن تـُجَارييْـن هـُمَا البحرُ المتوسط و البحرُ الأحمر. كما مـَنـَحَها الله طقساً معتدلاً في الصيفِ و الشتاء . و…

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The use of dual relative pronouns Posted by on Jul 7, 2011

The relative pronouns (الأسماء الموصولة) are used after definite nouns to provide additional information about them, and they are followed by complete sentences, e.g. أحب الكتاب الذي أدرسه. “I like the book which I study.” أحب الكتابين اللذين أدرسهما. “I like the books which I study.” (dual) أحب الكتب التي أدرسها. “I like the books…

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Grammar Exercise تدريب نحوىّ Posted by on Jul 7, 2011

       How good are you at reading Arabic? I guess most of you are quite good. Ok, but how good are you at Arabic grammar?? Today you will have the chance to test yourself in reading comprehension and in your grammar competence. I am posting a passage in Arabic. You are required to read the…

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Fisal’s Dictionary: حبَّ Posted by on Jul 5, 2011

       Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb حبَّ   and explore some of its derivatives. * حبَّ      [V. I. T.]= to fall in love or to love someone,                                   e.g. – Ali fell in love.  حبَّ علىٌ…

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Verb Effect أثر الفعل Posted by on Jul 5, 2011

Transitive Verbs الأفعال المتعدية   Intransitive Verbs الأفعال اللازمة Today, we are going to learn some more about verbs and their effect. Verbs fall into TWO categories according to the effect they do to the subject and the object:   1)      The Transitive Verb  الفعل المتعدى /Motad’di Verb/                               It is the verb that…

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The Pillars of Islam أركان الإسلام Posted by on Jul 3, 2011

        For a fifth of the world’s population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace سلام , mercy رحمة and forgiveness مغفرة . The majority of Muslims have nothing to do with the extremely grave events and accusations that are associated with their faith. Islam’s…

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the names of animal sounds Posted by on Jun 30, 2011

In this post, I present a list of the names of animal sounds (أسماء أصوات الحيوانات). You can learn the names of the animals if you do not know them from the left and middle columns. The name of the animal sound is presented in the right column. This list in MSA, and there are…

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