Arabic Language Blog

Listening comprehension exercise Posted by on Mar 6, 2011

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise. Please listen to the news item and answer the following exercise based on the information presented in it: 1-      Which newspaper does the report quote? 2-      What is the name of the first Saudi female pilot? 3-      Where will she work? 4-      How old is she?…

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Obesity in the Arab World Posted by on Mar 3, 2011

Obesity is considered a major problem in today’s world. Statistics show that there are around 1.5 billion obese people around the world nowadays. Some Arab countries are on the top ten countries in terms of the prevalence of obesity among their populations. Statistics show that 20-30% of all Saudi adults are obese, with 60% of…

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word search – revolutions answers Posted by on Feb 28, 2011

In this post, I present the answer to the word search game. To find more information about revolutions in these countries and others in the region (in Arabic), you can visit the bbcarabic website: The answer of the word search game is below: اليمن الجزائر ليبيا عمان الكويت البحرين المغرب تونس مصر  

Word seach – revolutions Posted by on Feb 27, 2011

At this time last month, I was thinking and writing about the revolution in Egypt. Now that the people of Egypt have achieved some of their demands by toppling regime and overthrowing the president, revolutions have spread all around the Arab world, most notably in Libya and Yemen. In this word search game, I ask…

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UN Terminology in Arabic Posted by on Feb 26, 2011

In this post, I present some terminology related to the UN and its agencies and organizations. Most UN pages are presented in different UN languages, including Arabic, which can be very useful to students of Arabic who can see the same information presented in different languages. Here is the link o the UN Arabic website…

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Even Stronger Winds of Change Posted by on Feb 23, 2011

The winds of change started in Tunisia, followed by Egypt. Now, demonstrations are everywhere in the Arab world, Yeme, Libya, Morocco, Bahrain and Kuwait. Libya in particular presents a very critical situation at the moment, as the Libyan regime under Gadafi is using unprecedented violence to crush the revolution, including the use of live ammunition…

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Arabic Diptotes: Adjectives Posted by on Feb 19, 2011

In this post, I explain diptotes (الممنوع من الصرف) in relation to adjectives. There are some adjectives that are diptotes, i.e. they do not take nunation (تنوين) when indefinite, and that are marked by (ـُ) for the nominative case and with (ـَ) for both accusative and genitive cases. All adjectives that have the pattern (أفعل)…

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