Arabic Language Blog

Connectors in Arabic – Condition Posted by on Sep 25, 2010

It is very important when we write in any language to create logical relationships between the ideas that we present. There is a number of relationships that we can create like addition, contrast, among others, and there are many words and expressions that we can use to express these relationships. In this post, I present…

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Connectors in Arabic – Contrast Posted by on Sep 20, 2010

It is very important when we write in any language to create logical relationships between the ideas that we present. There is a number of relationships that we can create like addition, contrast, among others, and there are many words and expressions that we can use to express these relationships. In this post, I present…

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Connectors in Arabic – Addition Posted by on Sep 16, 2010

It is very important when we write in any language to create logical relationships between the ideas that we present. There is a number of relationships that we can create like addition, contrast, among others, and there are many words and expressions that we can use to express these relationships. In this post, I present…

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Punctuation in Arabic Posted by on Sep 10, 2010

Punctuation marks (علامات الترقيم) are not always used correctly in Arabic. In this post, I explain some of the rules related to the use of punctuation marks. First of all, it should be noted that some punctuation marks in Arabic look different from the English counterparts, e.g. the English comma is (,) while the Arabic…

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Moussaaka Recipe Posted by on Sep 7, 2010

In this post, I present the recipe of a very famous dish in the Arab world, in fact it is well known all around the Mediterranean region. It is called (مسقعة), in English Moussaka. It is obvious that the English name is derived from Arabic, and the word Arabic means cold because this dish is…

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Negating verbal sentences in Arabic Posted by on Sep 3, 2010

In this post, I explain how to negate verbal sentences, and provide some exercises to practice it. To negate the present tense, we use the particle (لا) immediately before the verb. Remember, nothing should separate (لا) from the verb. Consider the following examples: الولد يحمل حقيبة. “The boy carries a bag.” الولد لا يحمل حقيبة…

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Word search answer Posted by on Aug 31, 2010

This post presents  the answer of the word search game presented in the previous post. Here are some examples on the use of some of the words in the game. عيني تؤلمني. “My eye hurts!” يجب أن أزور طبيب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة. “I have to visit the nose, ear and throat doctor.” لها رموش طويلة…

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