Arabic Language Blog

Word search – in the face Posted by on Aug 29, 2010

Can you find the following 1o words in the following word search game? The 10 words you need to find are all in the face and head. عين ذقن أنف خدان رموش فم حاجب أذن شعر جبهة Here are the translations of the 10 words in the game. eye chin nose two cheeks eyelashes mouth…

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Expressing prohibition (Part 2) Posted by on Aug 26, 2010

In a previous post, I explained how to form prohibition (don’t) in Arabic using prohibitive (لا) followed by the appropriate form of the present tense verb. It should be noted that after prohibitive (لا), verbs are in the jussive case. This means that if in the present tense, the verb ends in a suffix like…

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Arabic grammar terminology Posted by on Aug 25, 2010

The post presents more grammatical terms in Arabic and their English equivalents as a continuation to my previous post. المَصْدَر Infinitive/ Verbal Noun اِسْمُ الفاعِل Active Participle اسمُ المفعول Passive Participle الفِعْلُ المَاضِي The Perfect Tense. الفِعْلُ المُضَارِع The Imperfect Tense الفِعلُ المبنِي للمجهول Passive verb فِعْل أَمر Imperative (Nominative) الفاعِل Subject (Accusative) المفعُول بِهِ…

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Arabic grammar terminology – case marking Posted by on Aug 21, 2010

In this post, I present a brief table with some terms related to the case marking system; the Arabic and English terms are presented along with a brief explanation of the use of the cases. The first table deals with the cases for nouns and adjectives. With nouns serving as subjects of verbal sentences or…

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Expressing prohibition – don’t Posted by on Aug 19, 2010

To express prohibition (النهي) in Arabic, we use the particle (لا) with the present tense form of the verb conjugated with you. In this post, I explain how to make orders with (أنتَ) you singular masculine. Consider the following examples: أنتَ تفتح. You open. لا تفتحْ. Don’t open! أنتَ تستمع. You listen. لا تستمعْ. Don’t…

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What does the word homeland mean? Posted by on Aug 17, 2010

What does the word homeland mean? is the title of a beautiful song by Mohammed Fouad (محمد فؤاد), a very famous singer in Egypt. The song is originally taken from a film. It is a very emotional song about what homeland may mean to some. Surely, a homeland means something different for each and every…

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Almanqoos (Part 2) Posted by on Aug 12, 2010

In the previous post, I introduced (الاسم المنقوص) which is a noun that ends in (ي) preceded by a letter with kasra (ـِ). It is special in its form, as the final (ي) is deleted when the noun is indefinite. The case marking (الإعراب) of this category of nouns is special as well. The final…

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