Arabic Language Blog

Personality Types in Arabic Posted by on Jan 27, 2021 in Arabic Language, Vocabulary

In this post, I thought we would learn vocabulary to help us describe وَصف different personality types أنواع شَخْصية مُخْتَلِفة such as مَرح cheerful, مُتَوَتِّر tense, حَسّاس sensitive, etc. We can first get familiar with the list of vocabulary words, answer a few questions, then take a free personality test in Arabic that results in putting you in one of four different personality types. (مُحَلِلون Analysts, الدبلوماسيون Diplomats, المُنَظمون Sentinels, المُسْتَكْشِفون Explorers)

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مَرِح: cheerful

مُتَوَتِّر: tense/nervous

حَسّاس: sensitive 

هادِئ: quiet/calm

اِجْتِماعي: sociable 

واثِق بِنَفْسِه: confident

عَنيد: stubborn

أناني: selfish

كَريم: generous

طيّب: kind

لَطيف: nice/pleasant

 صَبور: patient

مُؤدب: polite

مُجْتَهِد: hardworking

نَشيط: active/energetic

مُتَشائم: pessimistic

مُتَفائل: optimistic 

فَريد: unique

مُضْحِّك: funny

صادِق: honest

حَكيم: wise

مَغرور: egotistical/ arrogant

عَصَبي: irritable

كَسول: lazy

مُهْمِل: careless

خَجول: shy

There are many more of course, but I tried to include ones used most often. After familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary above, try answering the following questions:

:ًباستخدام الكَلمات أعلاه، حاوِل أن تَصف شَخصيتك باللغة العربية. مثلا

Using the words above, try describing your personality in Arabic. For example:

.أرى نَفسي كَشَخص هادئ وحساس أحياناً ولكن أنا أيضاً شخص متفائل ومجتهد وصَبور  

I see myself as a person who is quiet and sometimes sensitive but I am also a positive, hardworking, and patient person. 

ما هي ثلاث سمات شخصية لا تريدها في صديق؟

What are three personality traits you do not want in a friend?

ما هي السمات الشخصية الثلاث التي يَجب أن يَمتلكها الصديق؟

What are three personality traits you must have in a friend?

قبل أن تأخذ الاختبار، تَعتقد أنك أي نَوع شَخصية ولماذا؟

Which personality type do you think you are before taking the test and why?


This first link shows the four personality types (مُحَلِلون Analysts, الدبلوماسيون Diplomats, المُنَظمون Sentinels, المُسْتَكْشِفون Explorers) and within these four categories, you can click on four sub-types of people and read about their personality traits. 

أنواع الشخصية

This second link is the free personality type test. (You can view this site in English as well as Arabic. If there are questions you are not sure you understand, open a separate tab with the test in English and compare between both the Arabic and English questions to help you navigate through the test and learn even more vocabulary) :). 

اختبار شخصية مجاني

If you do end up taking the test, please leave in the comments which one you are in Arabic. For example: أنا البَطل

I hope you found this post useful in expanding your Arabic vocabulary when describing people and their personalities. 

Till next week, happy Arabic learning! 🙂 

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About the Author: yasmine

MarHaba! I am half Jordanian of Circassian descent and half American. I have a Master's in Second Language Teaching and I teach Arabic as a foreign language here in the US, both MSA and Levantine Arabic. I hope to help you become more familiar and interested in the Arabic language and culture.


  1. Am:

    So helpful, thank you 🙂