Role of Libyan women during the pandemic (2) Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Jan 22, 2021 in Pronunciation, Vocabulary
Welcome to the 2nd part of this blog post where we’re looking at the role of Libyan women مشاركة المرأة الليبية in the country’s fight against Coronavirus في محاربة البلد لفيروس كورونا . The language material we’re looking at is a short report (produced by BBC Arabic) where a lady called Sanna, who speak Libyan Arabic, talks about her job. Today, we’re going to continue studying the main vocabulary used in the report.
To refresh your memory, the report – see below – titled:
سناء المغيربي: ليبية في الخط الأول لمحاربة فيروس كورونا
Sanaa Al-Mgherbi: A Libyan on the frontline of the Coronavirus fight
1. Vocabulary (B):
Below is the 2nd half of the word list (Vocabulary A) that we studied in the last post (click here to check the 1st half).
* Libyan Arabic vs. Standard Arabic & English
English |
Standard Arabic | Libyan Arabic |
So that |
لكي |
باش |
Like | مثل |
زي |
Something |
شيء |
حاجة |
But this is |
ولكن هذا | بس هادا |
We |
نحن |
احنا |
Has already started | قد بدأت |
بادية |
From now |
منذ الآن | من توا |
I used to take/ bring her | كنت آخذها/ أحضرها |
كنت نرفع فيها |
We go to | نذهب إلى | نمشو لِـ |
always | دائمًا | ديما |
She sees |
ترى | تِشبح |
She also | أيضًا هي |
حتى هي |
She liked |
أُعجَبت بـ | انعجبت بـ |
Like me | مثلي |
زيني |
What | ماذا | شني |
We get back | نعود | نروحو |
We sit | نجلس | نقعمزوا |
Where did you go? | أين ذهبتم؟ | وين طلعتو؟ |
Must/have to | يجب أن | لازم |
= = = = = =
2. Comprehension:
In the previous post, I listed some of the main sentences (in Libyan Arabic) from the report. Below, I provide you with the English translation to each of these sentences.
Check how many you understood 😉
بحكم أنا كنت دكتورة وكان عندي اطلاع على الأدوية والمعدات الطبية
Since I was a doctor and was familiar with medications and medical equipment
فتم ترقيتي وبديت أمين وحدة رعاية صحية في الجمعية
So I got promoted and have become the secretary of the healthcare unit within the society/association.
… فريق الطوارئ عنده مشوار أو موضوع مهم
The emergency team has an errand (to run) or an important matter
يجيني، نجهزله سيارة الإسعاف
It comes to me, I prepare the ambulance for it
أو يجوني متلا أشخاص عاديين، محتاجين أدوية خاصة
Or ordinary people – for example – come to me, in need of special medication
فترات انقطاع التيّار الكهربائي
Blackout periods.
كان عندنا تلاجات تبريد نحطوا فيها في الأدوية اللي تحتاج درجة حرارة معينة
We had cooling refrigerators, we put in them medication that require a specific temperature.
في الأول تخوّفنا زي كل الناس
At the beginning, we got scared, like all people
بس هادا شغلنا كمتطوعين وكعاملين في الهلال الأحمر
But this is our job as volunteers and as workers within the Red Crescent
البنت تعلّقت بيه العمل التطوعي (…)
The girl got attached to voluntary work
وإن شاء الله نتمنّالها إن تكون زيني
And God willing, I hope she becomes like me
بعد ما نروحو من الشغل
After we get back from work
وهي تروح من المدرسة
And she gets back from school
نقعمزوا تستريّح شوية
We sit, and she rests a bit
بعدها نعطيها حاجة خفيفة تاكلها
After that, I give her a snack to eat
ونبدوا نراجعو في الدروس
And we start revising lessons
= = = = = =

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Abdullah Siddeeque Khan:
Hi, Hanan,
I liked the above lines with Arabic and English translation very much. being an Arabic -English translator, I am fond of this type of texts which make me so happy. I request you please keep it on….
Abdullah Siddeeque Khan
Delhi, India