Saudi women can finally drive, where are they going? (2) Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Jul 11, 2018 in Arabic Language, Culture, Vocabulary
At the end of last month, women in Saudi Arabic have been given the permission الإذن to drive for the first time ever للمرة الأولى على الإطلاق. This royal decision was made in September last year but it has only come into force a few weeks ago. Different media outlets وسائل الإعلام المختلفة made sure they covered this special day and report what it meant to Saudi women. In the first part of this post, we started working on a clip where 4 Saudi women were interviewed. This post is for you to test your own level of comprehension of the clip through trying to listen carefully and answer a list of questions.
In the second (current) first part of this post, you can check the extent of your understanding of what is being said in the report (clip): as well as the few lines that can be found below the clip by comparing your answers to those listed below (in both Arabic and English).
تمتلك هذه السيدات رخص دولية
نادية تعمل كطبيبة أسنان
أول مكان ستذهب إليه نادية هو الدوام – مكان عملها
ستقود نادية سيارتها الخاصة بها
اشترت نادية سيارتها منذ ثلاثة أعوام
أول الأشخاص الذين ستأخذهم سارة معها في مشوار هم: زوجها وابنتيها
وجبة الإفطار
تعيش سارة وعائلتها في مدينة جدّة
تنوي سارة إلى أخذ ابنتيها إلى المدرسة
لا، ليس بعد
تعمل هلا كسيدة أعمال
عبّرت هلا عن فرحتها بخبر رفع الحظر بالقفز والصراخ وإطلاق الزغاريد
المشوار الأول هو قيادة السيارة من جنوب جدّة وحتى شمالها
لأنها تريد أن ترى جدّة، ولأول مرة، من المقعد الأمامي للسائق
تذهب عهود صباح كل يوم إلى بيت جدّتها
ثم تذهب عهود لشراء الأحجار
تستعمل عهود هذه الأحجار في عمل المجوهرات والتصاميم
تشعر عهود بالسعادة لأنها وأخيراً سترتاح من السائق ولن تحتاجه بعد اليوم
- They have international licenses.
- Nadia is a dentist.
- The first place Nadia is going to drive to is her work place.
- Nadia is going to drive her own car.
- Nadia has had this car for three years now.
- On her first ride, Sarah is taking her husband and her two daughters.
- The breakfast meal.
- Sarah and her family live in Jeddah.
- She intends to take her two daughters to school.
- No, not yet.
- Halal is a business woman.
- She expressed her happiness by jumping, screaming and ululating.
- Hala will drive from the south to the North of Jeddah.
- Because she finally wants to see Jeddah from the front driver seat.
- Ohoud goes to her grandmother’s place every morning.
- She goes to buy some stones.
- Ohoud needs those stones to make jewellery and work on her designs.
- Ohoud is mostly happy about sparing the driver the trouble of driving her to places and that she won’t need him anymore.
Thank you for passing by, hope you enjoyed the clip!
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