Tag Archives: اسم الفاعل
What is the Active Participle in Arabic? (II) Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Sep 4, 2017

In the previous post, I explained what the active participle (AP) اِسمُ الفَاعِل means, when it functions as an adjective and when it is used as a noun, and how it is formed from active verbs. This post is about its derivation from intransitive verbs الأَفْعَال اللازِمَة and complex verbs الأَفْعَال المَزِيْدَة. Also, I will…
What is the Active Participle in Arabic? (I) Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Aug 31, 2017

The active participle (AP) is known as اِسمُ الفَاعِل in Arabic. It is one of many Arabic noun types that are derived from active verbs. Depending on how it is used in phrases or sentences, AP can be classified into two forms: adjectival (i.e. like an adjective) noun and non-adjectival noun (i.e. the doer or…