Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: حروف الجر

Arabic Prepositions (Part 2) حروف الجر Posted by on Sep 23, 2011

Prepositions are very important words in any language. Today, we are going to learn the Arabic prepositions and their meanings. Arabic preposition particles are Mabni words كلمات مبنية which means that they mostly have a fixed pronunciation regardless of their position in the sentence. These words also inflect the noun that follows them and cause…

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Arabic Prepositions (Part 1) حروف الجر Posted by on Sep 21, 2011

Prepositions are very important words in any language. Today, we are going to learn the Arabic prepositions and their meanings. Arabic prepositions are Mabni words كلمات مبنية which means that they mostly have a fixed pronunciation regardless of their position in the sentence. These nouns also inflect the noun that follows them and cause it to end…

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