Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Arab Singers

“She is my Life”; Amr Diab Posted by on Aug 24, 2014

    Ahlan أهــْــلاً Arabic lovers! Here is a beautiful love song by Amr Diab عــَـــمــْـــرو دِيــَـــاب . The song is entitled “She is my Life هــِــى .. حــَــيــَـــاتــِـــي“. It was written by the Egyptian poet Magdy Al-Naggar مــَــجــْــدِى الــنــَـــجـــَّــــار . Amr Diab composed it himself in the Latin House music. The song is about…

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The Impossible Love – Kazim Al-Sahir Posted by on Mar 14, 2013

       Today, I will present a very nice song by the great singer Kazem Al-Saahir. The song was written by the great poet Nizar Qabbani. It is called “The Impossible Love الــحــُــبُّ الــمــُــســْــتــَـــحـــيـــلُ”. The song is also known by the name “I Love You Very Much أحـبــكِ جداً” as these are the opening words of…

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You are Back O, My Birthday! Posted by on Feb 2, 2013

      I have thought a lot of something to write about today. It was my birthday yesterday and I remembered this nice song of Fareed Al-Atrash فــريــد الأطـــرش  about his birthday in the movie and I liked to share it with you. Fareed was a famous Syrian singer مــُــطــْــرِب , composer مــُــلــَــحـــِّـــن and actor مــُــمــَــثــــِّـــلْ…

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Arab Idol : Fayrouz فيروز Posted by on Aug 27, 2011

     Nouhad Haddad نـُهاد حداد  is the real name of the famously known Arab singer Fayrouz or Fairouz فيروز . She is a Lebanese singer and is widely considered to be the most famous living singer in the Arab World. Her songs are constantly heard throughout the region. Fayrouz is a legend أسطورة in her…

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