Tag Archives: Arabic Comprehension exercises
The Ancient City of Fes فاس Posted by yasmine on May 17, 2022

In this post, we’ll learn about the ancient city of Fes in Morocco مدينة فاس القديمة في المغرب. It’s history تاريخها dates back over a thousand years ألف سنة. Fes فاس is filled with souks أسواق, cafes مقاهي, Islamic architecture العمارة الإسلامية, and mosques المساجد. We’ll begin with watching a clip about what makes مدينة…
The Jordanian Christian Community Part Two Posted by yasmine on Mar 30, 2022

:من خطاب الملك عبدالله الثاني عن المسيحيون الأردنيون إننا ندعم كل جهد للحفاظ على الهوية المسيحية العربية التاريخية. وصون حق حرية العبادة إنطلاقاً من قاعدة إيمانية إسلامية ومسيحية تقوم على حب الله وحب الجار In this part two post about the Jordanian Christian community, we begin by listening to part of a speech by King…
The Enduring Art of Traditional Palestinian Tiles Part Two Posted by yasmine on Feb 16, 2022

Welcome back to part two of this post about the struggle in trying to preserve الحفاظ على a part of Palestinian heritage تراث فلسطيني which is that of making traditional decorative tiles البلاط التقليدي المزخرف. You will hear the reporter speaking in لغة عربية فصحى and the men who work with these tiles speak Palestinian…
قطع السكر Cutting Sugar Part Two Posted by yasmine on Dec 8, 2021

Welcome to part two of this post where we’ve been talking about “sugar” السُّكَر, types of sugar أنواع السكر and why we’ve been told it is healthy to quit “added sugar” السكر المضاف. As I mentioned, I personally have been trying to cut sugar قطع السكر and it has been tough. Do you recall what…
قطع السكر Cutting Sugar Part One Posted by yasmine on Dec 1, 2021

In this post, I thought we’d talk about “sugar” السُّكَر, types of sugar أنواع السكر, and why we’ve been told it is healthy to quit “added sugar” السكر المضاف. I personally have been trying to cut sugar قطع السكر for the past few months. I was sugar free for a month, but then I visited…
Saving the Dead Sea إنقاذ البحر الميت Posted by yasmine on Nov 17, 2021

I just spent a month back home in Amman, Jordan الأردن to visit family and had a wonderful time. It was during October when the weather is moderate معتدل and going to places like the Dead Sea البحر الميت where it gets extremely hot ًحار جدا during the summer, is very enjoyable ممتع جدا. Here…
Arabic Comprehension and Grammar Exercise (1) Posted by yasmine on Aug 11, 2021

In this post, we have a fun Arabic comprehension and grammar exercise where we will extract grammatical structures and words from the text below. I thought this would be a good way to review your Arabic grammar and comprehension skills. (see answers at end of post) 😎 رِحلة عُمر تَعيش نُهى مع عائِلَتُها الصَّغيرة في…