Tag Archives: Arabic Listening comprehension
The Jordanian Christian Community Part Two Posted by yasmine on Mar 30, 2022

:من خطاب الملك عبدالله الثاني عن المسيحيون الأردنيون إننا ندعم كل جهد للحفاظ على الهوية المسيحية العربية التاريخية. وصون حق حرية العبادة إنطلاقاً من قاعدة إيمانية إسلامية ومسيحية تقوم على حب الله وحب الجار In this part two post about the Jordanian Christian community, we begin by listening to part of a speech by King…
The Enduring Art of Traditional Palestinian Tiles Part One Posted by yasmine on Feb 9, 2022

In this post, we’ll watch and listen to a clip about the Palestinian heritage of making colored ملون and decorative مُزَخرَف tiles بلاط. A trade that is finding difficulty in staying alive in an area under occupation الإحتلال amidst an unstable market. You will hear the reporter speaking in لغة عربية فصحى and the men…
Backgammon Part Two لعبة الطاولة Posted by yasmine on Jan 26, 2022

ًWelcome back to part two on how to play Backgammon لعبة الطاولة. How common is لعبة الطاولة? Well, I grew up watching my dad and “Jido” جدو (grandpa) playing طاولة while drinking tea in the living room. My aunt عمتي then taught me how to play and I’ve been hooked ever since. هل لعبة الطاولة…
Backgammon Part One لعبة الطاولة Posted by yasmine on Jan 19, 2022

Have you played Backgammon لعبة الطاولة before? If not, in this post, we’ll learn a bit about it’s background history and how to play the game as we pick up some new Arabic vocabulary words. 😉 Backgammon in Arabic is called طاولة meaning “table” or طاولة الزهر since زهر in Arabic means “dice”. ✨Here are…
Saving the Dead Sea Part Two إنقاذ البحر الميت Posted by yasmine on Nov 24, 2021

In last week’s post, we talked about the Dead Sea البحر الميت and began a clip that explains the reasons why البحر الميت is sadly receding تنحسر. In this second part of the clip, we learn about The Bahrain Canal project مشروع قناة البحرين to link البحر الميت to البحر الأحمر as a way to…
صَح أم خَطأ True or False Advanced Listening Part Two Posted by yasmine on Jun 23, 2021

In this post, we’ll be listening to the second segment of a clip about a bird observatory in Aqaba, Jordan. I have provided the transcription to help you follow along as you listen. We’ll then answer the صَح أم خَطأ questions that follow. 🐦🕊🦅🦆🦢ما معنى هجرة الطيور؟ Note: In this clip about مرصد طيور…
Listening Answer, Saudi women driving Posted by aziza on Jun 29, 2018
This post presents the answer of the listening comprehension exercise presented earlier on Saudi women who have been allowed to drive for the first time. English questions and answers: 1- What does ‘Hissa’ say about the first time she drives? Hissa says that it is a historic day and she is very excited to drive…