Tag Archives: Arabic Semantics
Beauty of the Arabic Language (1) Posted by Fisal on Jan 30, 2016
Ahlan أهــْــلاً , Arabic lovers! Today’s post will be the first of a series to explore the beauty of the Arabic language through the study of some special phrases and sentences. I will explain the sentence or phrase, translate it and compare it to a similar one. We will also explore the importance of…
Arabic Sentences: The Verbal Sentence Posted by Fisal on Aug 12, 2012
We have already studied the Nominal Sentence الـجــُــمــلــة الاســمــيـــة . Today, we are going to study the second type of the Arabic Sentences which is the Verbal Sentence الــجــمــلــة الــفــعــلــيـــة . Simply speaking, the verbal sentence in the Arabic language is the sentence that starts with a verb فـِــعـــْـــل . It consists of a verb…