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Tag Archives: Arabic translation

Listening Comprehension Exercise: Super School Posted by on Apr 10, 2015

شــَــاهــِــدْ الــفــِــيــديــُــو ، و اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Watch this video, listen to the report and then answer the following questions: الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions أيــن تــوجــد الــمــدرســة الــثــانــويــة لـِــلــعــُــلــوم الــخــارقــة ؟       1) Where is this Super High School of Sciences located? كــَــمْ تــكــلــّــفَ إنــشـــاء هــذه الــمــدرســة ؟  2) How…

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Reading Comprehension Exercise: Fear Posted by on Mar 12, 2015

اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:       “الــخــوفُ هــُــو مــِــنَ الأمــْــراضِ الــتــى تــُــنــَــغــِّــصُ الــحــَــيــَــاةَ و تــذهــبُ بــالــســَّــعــَــادَةِ . و هــُــو مــَــرضٌ خــَــطــِــيــرٌ قــَـــلَّ أنْ يــَــســْــلــَــمَ مــِــنــهُ إنــْــســَــانٌ ، و هــُــو أشــْــكــَــالٌ و ألــوانٌ ، يــُــشــَــكــِّــلُ أعــْــمــَــالَ الإنــْــســَــانِ و يــُــوَجــِّــهــُــهــَــا طــَــوْعَ إشــَــارتــِــهِ ، و حــَــســْــبَ…

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Arabic Translation Answer: ‘Newspapers’ Posted by on Oct 30, 2014

   Ahlan Arabic fans! How did you do in the last translation post about newspapers? Here is the English translation answer of the Arabic Translation Exercise: “Newspapers” that was written by the Egyptian writer and journalist Anis Mansour أنــيــس مــَــنــْــصــُـــور who used to write daily articles for Al-Ahram newspaper; الأهـــرام /Al-Ahram/ under one title; “Situations…

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Arabic Translation Exercise: ‘Newspapers’ Posted by on Oct 30, 2014

    Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a translation exercise. We are going to read a short article by one of the Arab writers. The article will be in Arabic and you are going to test your Arabic reading skill and translate the article into English. Of course I will post the English…

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Arabic Translation Exercise: ‘This Article is not for you!’ Posted by on Aug 21, 2014

      Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a translation exercise. We are going to read a short article by one of the Arab writers. The article will be in Arabic and you are going to test your Arabic reading skill and translate the article into English. Of course I will post the…

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Arabic Translation Answer: The Conflict Posted by on Jun 19, 2014

    Ahlan Arabic fans! Here is the English translation of the last article by the Egyptian journalist Ahmad Bahgat. Bahagat أحــْــمــَــد بــَــهــْــجــَــتْwho worked at Al-Ahram Newspaper for a long time. He had a daily column in the newspaper under the heading of “Box of the World صــُـــنــْــدُوق الــدُّنــْـــيــَـــا” in which he dealt with so…

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Arabic Translation Exercise: The Conflict Posted by on Jun 19, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a translation exercise. We are going to read a short article by one of the famous Arab writers. The article will be in Arabic and you are going to test your Arabic reading skill and translate the article into English. Of course I will post the…

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