Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Index of Arabic Grammar

Basics of Arabic Grammar Posted by on Jan 20, 2016

Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, we will go back to the basics for some refreshment. Arabic العربية is like any other language. It is a means وسيلة of expressionتعبير and communication تواصُل. It consists of letters حروف that make up words كلمات, phrases عبارات and sentences جُمل. Any speech كلام that consist of two, three or…

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Arabic Nouns: Nominatives Posted by on Apr 29, 2015

   Ahlan أهــْــلاً , Arabic lovers! Today, we are going to discuss the question raised in the previous post about Arabic Noun Cases. We have said that there are three cases for the Arabic nouns; the nominative case, the accusative case and the genitive case. The question was: what exactly are the nouns that belong…

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Index of Arabic Grammar Posted by on Oct 12, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic lovers! Since Arabic grammar is giving some headache to most non-Arabic speakers, today’s post will be devoted to recycling Arabic grammar. Here, I will publish the topics and links of all the grammar posts that I have written since March, 2011 in the same chronicle order they were posted. I hope…

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