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Tag Archives: Islam

Birth of a Prophet (571 – 632) Posted by on Feb 4, 2012

Birth of a Prophet (571 – 632) مــِــيـــلادُ نــَــبـــِــىّ       Today in the Islamic Calendar is the 12th of رَبـــِـــيــــعُ الأوَّل Rabi’ Al-Aw’wal  1433 A.H. (After  Hijra) which is the birthday of prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). The day was a Monday and the Islamic Calendar depends on the moon cycle unlike the Gregorian Calendar…

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Hajj (pilgrimage) Posted by on Nov 5, 2011

       Hajj الحج  refers to the annual pilgrimage that Muslims make to the holy land of Makkah مكّة in Saudi Arabia, with the intention of performing certain religious rites exactly as Prophet Muhammad had done. It was made obligatory in the 9th year of Hijra. It is one of the largest pilgrimage in the world and…

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Zakat Al-Fitr زكاة الفطر Posted by on Aug 22, 2011

     Zakat Al-Fitr زكاة الفطر or Sadaqat Al-fitr صدقة الفطر is a charity given to the poor at the end of the fasting in the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. The word Fitr فطر means the same as Iftaar إفطار (= breaking a fast) and Futoor فطور (= breakfast). The root verb for all these…

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Zakah الزكاة (Almsgiving) Posted by on Aug 20, 2011

       Zakah or Zakat الزكاة  is the third pillar of Islam, so it is a religious duty (Fard فرض )  that often follows Salah الصلاة in Qura’an. Zakat is the financial obligation upon Muslims. The word itself means “that which purifies” or “alms“. It means both “purification تطهير and growth نُموّ “. Our wealth and…

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The Pillars of Islam أركان الإسلام Posted by on Jul 3, 2011

        For a fifth of the world’s population, Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life. Muslims follow a religion of peace سلام , mercy رحمة and forgiveness مغفرة . The majority of Muslims have nothing to do with the extremely grave events and accusations that are associated with their faith. Islam’s…

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