Tag Archives: lockdown
Preparations for a 2nd lockdown in England (2) Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Nov 13, 2020

Welcome to new blog post مرحبًا بكم في مدونة جديدة 🙂 This is the second part of a blog post where we’re still looking at an article that addresses the way people in England prepared for the recent lockdown there. In the previous post, we started learning about the language used in the article and…
Locked down together during Ramadan Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on May 1, 2020

From the beginning of Ramadan, I’ve been following a comic show on YouTube called كملت معي Kimle-t ma-ʕi and I would like to share with you its theme song or الشارة iš-šaarah as it’s called in Syrian Arabic (the variety used in the show). The show’s theme song can give you the gist of what…