Tag Archives: mental health
World Mental Health Day يوم الصحة النفسية العالمي – Part 2 Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Nov 1, 2021

Welcome to the 2nd. part of this blog post. Last week, we started learning about the topic of mental health الصحة النفسية as it’s celebrated internationally يُحتَفَل بها حول العالم in the month of October في شهر أكتوبر. In the previous post, we focused on the main vocabulary around the topic, through watching a short…
World Mental Health Day يوم الصحة النفسية العالمي – Part 1 Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Oct 25, 2021

In this month, the world celebrates يَحْتَفِل العَالَمُ بِـ the Mental Health Day يوم الصحة النفسية. It is celebrated on the 10th. October of each year. This post (made up of 2 parts) studies a short video clip, produced by BBC Arabic, which discusses (in Standard Arabic) five ways in which خمس طرق التي يستطيع…