Tag Archives: Nominative Case
Case marking of nominal sentences Posted by aziza on Jun 29, 2019

Case marking (الإعراب) is a very important grammatical concept in Arabic. In this post, we learn how to case mark nominal sentences. The nominal sentence (الجملة الإسمية) is a sentence that begins by a noun or a pronoun. The nominal sentence has two main components: the subject (المبتدأ) and the predicate (الخبر). Both parts of…
Arabic Nouns: Case Posted by Fisal on Mar 27, 2015
Ahlan أهــْــلاً , Arabic lovers! Today, we go back to Arabic Grammar. We are going to study the three cases of Arabic Nouns. Any Arabic noun falls into one of three categories or cases: The Nominative Case حــالــة الــرفــع: It means that the noun is marked by a Dammah ضــمــّــة (or an equivalent) on the…