Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: particles

Some Common Particles in Arabic (3) Posted by on Aug 30, 2018

In the previous two posts, you learned how some Arabic particles are used and what they mean. Given their functions in style, sentence transition, conciseness in speech and written language, and idiomatic usage, another post is yet again dedicated to these important words. Some of these words are called حَرُوف ‘particles’, and others are called…

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Some Common Particles in Arabic (2) Posted by on Aug 28, 2018

In the previous post, you learned how some Arabic particles are used. This post continues with another set of particles explaining their possible meanings and how they are used. As seen with the first set, the meaning may be determined by the context in which they occur. They are mostly functional words that are not…

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Some Common Particles in Arabic (1) Posted by on Aug 26, 2018

Words in Arabic are classified into three parts of speech: a noun اِسْم, a verb فِعْل, and a particle حَرْف. Essentially, particles have no meaning by themselves, that is, they must be added to another word or be part of a context. They modify the meaning of other words, help with sentence transition (i.e. style)…

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Inna and Sisters (Part 2) Posted by on May 30, 2012

Inna and Sisters إنَّ و أخواتها  (Part 2)        In the previous post, we introduced to Inna and Sisters. We knew that they are particles حــُــروف ; not verbs. They start the Nominal sentence. They change the case of the Mubtada to the accusative or the Nasb Case حالة النصب . The Mubtada changes its name…

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Arabic Negation Using ‘laa’ Posted by on Dec 6, 2010

In my previous post, I explained how (لا) can be used to indicate categorical negation. In this post, I explain the difference between its use for negation (النفي) and prohibition (النهي). (لا) is used for negation (النفي) with present tense verbs, e.g. لا أشرب القهوة كثيراً. “I do not drink a lot of coffee.” لا…

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Usage of different Arabic particles Posted by on Sep 3, 2009

I got a query recently about the usage of different particles that are made up of one letter only, e.g. ف، ل، ك، ب. In this post, I give some examples of their different uses. First of all, it should be noted that any particle that is made up of one letter only cannot stand…

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