Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: rio 2016

The Most Important Facts about the 2016 Summer Olympics in Arabic (2) Posted by on Aug 7, 2016

Marhaba! I am confident you found the reading comprehension exercise on the ongoing Summer Olympics in Rio useful and interesting. I am following some of the competitions, and I am always happy with how graceful most athletes celebrate victory and accept defeat. Today, I am sharing the answers to the previous questions in the reading…

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The Most Important Facts about the 2016 Summer Olympics in Arabic Posted by on Aug 6, 2016

Marhaba! In the past I discussed the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Yesterday, thousands of athletes and supporters from around the globe kicked off the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, Brazil.  These athletes will push it to the limit to win and bring back medals to their countries! Almost all of these Olympians spend years…

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