Tag Archives: saudi arabia
Being an Arab vegan (نباتي عربي (2 Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Oct 30, 2020

Welcome Back to the second part of this blog post. Last time, we started learning the content of an interview about the topic of veganism النباتية الصرفة In the first part of the post, I gave you a list of questions to try to answer after listening to the interview. In this second part of…
Being an Arab vegan (نباتي عربي (1 Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Oct 23, 2020

Today, I have a video clip for you about an interesting topic, and that is veganism النباتية الصرفة . The clip is an interview مقابلة with a Saudi vlogger – Raoum As-sHebaani – where she answers several questions about her vlog on Youtube. The purpose of the blog is to test your comprehension level درجة…
Wadjda Posted by aziza on Apr 29, 2016
Yesterday I watched a lovely film called Wadjda! I absolutely loved it, for it is very authentic and inspirational! It tells a story of determination and success against all odds by a young Saudi girl! Small hopes that can be taken for granted for some amount to a great challenge for others. This film is…
A Milestone for Women in Saudi Arabia (2) Posted by jesa on Mar 22, 2016
Marhaba! Hope you all enjoyed learning about the recent elections in Saudi Arabia. Truly, it is an important junctures for women in Saudi Arabia, the Arab world, and beyond. Let’s all look forward to and hope for momentous developments in our lifetime. There is a still long way, but at least we are making progress…
A Milestone for Women in Saudi Arabia Posted by jesa on Mar 19, 2016
Marhaba! From recent posts, especially ones on International Women’s Day, you would know by now that I believe in gender equality and hope that in my lifetime that these issues will be finally resolved. As you might know already that in many countries around the globe there is a still a glass ceiling that prevents…
Reading Comprehension Answers: Oil Prices Posted by Fisal on Nov 16, 2014
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Here, in this post I am presenting the answers to the last reading comprehension exercise about “oil prices. To see the exercise again, please click here. الإجــَــابــَـــات Answers قــَــالــَــتْ وِكــَــالــَــة الــطــَّــاقــَــةِ الــدَّوْلــِــيــَــةِ أنَّ أســْــعــَــارِ الــنــَّــفــْــطِ ســَــتــَــســْــتــَــمــِــرُّ فـِـي الــهــُــبــُــوط فـِـي الــعــَــامِ الــمــُــقــْــبــِــل . 1) The International Energy Agency (IEA) said that…
Arabic Translation Answer: ‘The Arabic Letter’ Posted by Fisal on Sep 28, 2014
Ahlan Arabic fans! Here is the English translation of the article; “الــَــحــَــرْفُ الــعــَــرَبــِــيُّ مــِــحــْــوَرُ الــيــَــوْمِ الــعــَــالــَــمــِــيّ لــِــلــُّــغــَـــة 2014 The Arabic Letter; Milestone of the World Language Day 2014″ from الــَــحــَــيــَــاة /Al-hayah/ newspaper. Also, to view the article in Arabic, kindly refer to our previous post here. I hope you will enjoy the article…